On 5/10/2017, a Special Education Meeting was held at the West Somerville School to talk about schools concerns and services. Present at the meeting was myself, Ms. Taylor, the ICC Coordinator for …show more content…
A Missing Person Report was filed with the Arlington Police, and Detective James Smith has been assigned to the case. The Department was given a Precept through Cambridge Juvenile Court on 4/20/2017.
On, 5/17/17, Kenneth was located at Ms. Taylor's home and brought to Cambridge Juvenile Court, and the Precept was dismissed. Kenneth is currently back at the STARR Program in Arlington. Since being placed Kenneth has engaged in counseling services at the program and has remained at the program without incident.
On 5/22/2017, I took Kenneth to school at Full Circle and a re-entry meeting was held. Kenneth will continue at Full Circle and will attend summer school at Somerville High School. The school Department will do a referral for a parenting program for teens through the school Department to support Kenneth.
At this time, the Department has sent out packets for a group home placement and it is the intent Kenneth will be placed in the local area to allow him to continue at his current school and be near his