Although the United States Army has over one-hundred and thirty-nine different military occupations (General Information - Enlisted MOS Conversion List (Army)), not all the military occupations are functional in the civilian world. For example, there is not much call for an infantry soldier, an indirect fire infantry soldier or a tactical automated fire control systems specialist in the private sector. Because of this, Cacciutti Veteran Educational Foundation along with This Old House’s “Generation Next,” and Mike Rowe’s “MikeRowe Works,” Habitat for Humanity, and other major national companies such as Home Depot, GMC, and various trade associations to offer scholarships for the “2017 Work Ethic Scholarship Program” to obtain the necessary skills to obtain employment. The departing soldier can use the scholarship for various trade schools like Tulsa Welding, local vocation-technical schools or at a trade school, such as Santa Fe College to learn masonry, carpentry, plumbing and electrical. The Cacciutti Veteran Educational Foundation also has joined forces with The National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) to offer the veteran with the proper training and credentials, along with enhancing current skills, to be able to perform at peak aptitude. The NCCER will offer assessment testing in more than seventy different fields for the veteran to see which level the veteran is at, so there …show more content…
(Roles Employers Find Hardest To Fill). The military has been on the forefront of the various technologies, like the internet and telecommunications, which eventually find its way to the private sector. One prime example is the internet, which was first known as Advanced Research Projects Agency Network (ARPANET) from its start in 1957 (Klein). With the military on the forefront of technology, veterans can bring that experience to the workplace and help put the technology into play. Satellites are a good example of this technology. Satellites help rural communities obtain information via television and internet, along with helping companies communicate easier over long