
Benjamin Franklin Impact On Society

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Benjamin Franklin Impact On Society
Benjamin Franklin is a hero who still has an impact on us today. He invented objects that some people still use now. He invented a way to harness and conduct electricity. He also invented bifocal glasses, swim fins,and a musical instrument called the glass harmonica. He was very intelligent and involved in politics. His knowledge got him to where he ended up. He started from being poor, to becoming very wealthy. To understand more about Benjamin Franklin, you will need to know about his life, politics, and his modern day influences.

Benjamin Franklin was born on January 17, 1706 in Boston, Massachusetts. Although Benjamin was very wealthy as an adult, his family was rather poor. His father’s daily job was a soap maker. His mother was his father’s second wife. He was one of ten kids and one of his brothers started the first “newspaper” in Boston. His religion was Calvinist and believed that there was one true
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Benjamin Franklin was in the democratic party, meaning he supported that everyone votes on a decision. He was very involved in politics and the government. Benjamin Franklin was a member of the Continental Congress. The Continental Congress is a group of people who met and discussed unity and separation from Britain. He even signed the Declaration of Independence. He also represented Pennsylvania at the Albany Congress. That is a meeting where one representative from each colony met and discussed. One of his many roles in history was that he insisted the idea of the Albany Plan of Union for the colonies, at that meeting. This means that he made a single government for all of the colonies. According to, "Benjamin Franklin combined his dedication to state and country with his commitment to personal achievement in improving lives of his fellow Americans." All of Benjamin Franklins teachings are still used

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