The piece of Art, Smiling Girl, a Courtesan Holding an Obscene Image, painted by Gerrit van Honthorst in 1625 can be seen at the Saint Louis Art Museum. I was initially drawn to this image from across the gallery mostly due to the subject’s bright red dress with gold sleeves, it was one of the brightest colored images in the gallery. It is about three feet tall and two feet wide, it is an oil on canvas painting. As I approached the image, I was still intrigued as the image she is holding is of a naked man facing away, the subject in the painting seems to get enjoyment from this. To me this piece of art makes me curious, I want to know who this woman was and why she is holding that image. The artist seems to be communicating the importance of…
b. wet or true fresco- coated rough fabric with white lime plaster with true fresco method.…
Using herself and her children (Son, Kell and Daughter, Arella) as the focal point of the painting, it captures a maternal, motherhood like feeling by adding abstract line contours and detail to the painting setting off a free motion throughout the composition. The texture and tone used for the figures are soft, light and pale. Detailed patterns and abstract line work are used in the foreground to emphasize the figures.…
One of the most influential artists of the Modern Period of art was James Whistler. Whistler was an accomplished printer and painter and a brief background of the painter allows us to understand Whistler, and why more than any artist of his time, he would be attracted to Japanese woodblock prints called Ukiyo-e. It is also essential to understand the essence of Ukiyo-e, Japanese aesthetics and its migration to the Western world. Additionally, a chronological selection of Whistler’s works must be analyzed showing how he integrated the lessons he learned from his exposure to Ukiyo-e.…
The purpose of this assignment is to compare and contrast Giuliano Bugiardini’s Madonna and Child with St. John the Baptist, and the Master of Frankfurt’s Holy Kinship. Both are examples of Renaissance paintings, however, Bugiardini’s piece is an example of southern Renaissance, where the Master of Frankfurt’s is one of northern Renaissance.…
My choice was VUW Classics 1957.1. This vase can be identified as an amphora as it has two upright handles joint to the body and a neck narrower than the body. Amphorae are usually used for carrying wine or storing oil. This particular Amphora is used for wine; this conclusion can be deducted from the vase’s decoration. Common people at symposia would have used this to drink wine; simple wares were used for everyday household purposes. We know that the vase was used regularly because the inside is painted black, which makes it look more aesthetically pleasing and it also increased the life of the vase.…
Napoleon viewed himself as an ambitious and a strong leader. He represented himself as a supreme leader ready to conquer and achieve higher goals for himself and France. this essay explains about this Napoleonic Art. In which I would be describing about its setting, Napoleon’s clothing, actions, and items with symbolic meaning. Furthermore, who painted this painting, his expression, other people in the painting and interesting facts.…
The cultural differences between the two pieces of art work are that the Hall of the Bulls painting is about spreading life from within while Ti and the Hippopotamus is more about after life so they can enjoy stuff they did in their current life in their after life. A similarity both pieces of art have are that they are both showing their hunting culture in the artwork and just how they lived and survived their everyday lives.…
The Northern Renaissance began as a result of Italian's strong influence on neighboring countries when it came to artwork with Christian themes, as well as the prolonged conflict between France and England that caused several artists to relocate. In order to avoid the outbreak of The Hundred Year's War and successfully search for inspiration, artists migrated out of the country to further their work, while also showcasing new thoughts and ideals that were widely unknown to artists who lived in Germany, England and France. In spite of the overwhelming crisis that Europe was under, the country was still able to experience cultural growth and artist persisted with confidence and ambition, encouraging individuality and social freedom among their…
From the muted, sickly green of the walls, to the stark contrast of the blood-red carpet, color plays an important role in setting the tone of this piece. Correspondingly, the colors used in the chief subjects of the painting (young girls, sunflower, carpet) are less organic than the hues used for the more subtle areas of the painting (walls, door, steps). The neutral tones of the background help to “corral” the viewer's eye into looking at the focal point and the action happening around it. In the same token, Tanning’s use of complementary colors allows the red carpet to seemingly “cut” through the painting, providing a perfect backdrop for the vibrancy of the yellow sunflower. The two girls are dressed in white, yet, the figure against the door frame carries semblances from the sunflower and the carpet, represented in her cardigan and the petal she holds. The two lost petals at the foot of the stairs become almost an afterthought when compared to the stark hue of the sunflower, as they are slightly more muted shade of yellow. Finally, the open door at the end of the hallway leaves the viewer with many unanswered questions. Upon first glance, the hazy warm tones may convey a sense of an emblazoned fire, but upon further inspection, it could simply be the light of a hotel lamp flooding the hallway. What is happening behind the door? Is this where the girls came from, and if so will they return? Tanning leaves all these questions up in the air with her use of ambiguity in the focus and color of the final…
What makes a piece of art art? Is it the creation itself or is it a combination of elements that make a piece a good piece of art. Artist use elements to add depth and meaning to the pieces they create. Artist such as Vincent Van Gogh, Sol LeWitt, Diego Velazquez, and Edward Hopper all had pieces that they used different forms to help capture the attention of the viewer and express their true meaning with the techniques they used in their portraits.…
Genre paintings have always made bold statements regarding the “everyday life” of whichever time period they were completed in. Scenes could range from parties in a domestic setting in France, to bitterly realistic views of street and slum life during the Gilded Age in the United States.…
‘The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.’ -Pablo Picasso…
In this essay you will be comparing and contrasting two different types of paintings. The same subject matter but different ideas of the same subject. I will be writing about The Last Supper, which was painted by Giampietrino, after Leonardo da Vinci. He used oil on canvas while painting the piece of art. The year that Giampietrino painted this picture was in 1520. Another work of art that I will be writing about will be The Last supper by Francesco Fontebasso. He painted this picture in 1762 using oil on canvas. As you can see from both types of arts, that they were both painted on oil on canvas and both have the same subject matter which is the last supper that Jesus Christ had. To both of these painting’s in person, you can go to the Royal academy of Arts in London to see the Giampietrino piece and Fontebasso’s piece is found in Museum Fund of the State Hermitage in St Petersburg.…
This past weekend, I decided to re-visit the Norton Simon Museum in Pasadena and picked out the Reclining Nude by Jean-Antoine Watteau which dated 1713-1717 and its medium was oil on panel.…