Professor George Solomon
AEMT 16 Week
27 June 2017
Generic Name (Trade Name): Acetaminophen (Tylenol)
Classification: antipyretic, analgesic
Indications: Fever, pain control
Contraindications: severe liver disease, AMS (given PO)
Side Effects: n/v, abd pain
Dosage: 1000 mg PO, peds 10 mg/kg PO
Route of Admin: PO
Onset/Duration: onset 15-20 mins; peak 60-90 mins; duration 4-6 hrs
Generic Name (Trade Name): Aspirin
Classification: Platelet inhibitor, anti-inflammatory agent
Indications: acute chest pain suggestive of MI
Contraindications: hypersensitivity to drug, relatively contraindicated if active ulcer disease or asthma, not indicated for peds
Side Effects: heartburn, GI bleed, prolonged bleeding, n/v, wheezing in allergic …show more content…
1) Asystole (1 mg IV repeat in 3-5 minutes up to 3 mg)
2) Bradycardia (.5-1 mg IV every 3-5 min up to 3 mg, 6 mg max if given ET)
3) Organophosphate (1-2 mg IM or IV otherwise as per medical control)
Route of Admin: IV, IM, ET
Onset/Duration: onset immediate; peak 2-4 hrs; duration 4 hrs
Generic Name (Trade Name): Albuterol
Classification: Beta-Agonist
Indications: respiratory distress with bronchospasm
Contraindications: HR > 150, beta blockers antagonize effects
Side Effects: restlessness, tremors, dizziness, palpitations, tachycardia, nervousness, peripheral vasodilation, n/v, hyperglycemia, increased B/P, paradoxical bronchospasm
Dosage: 2.5-5 mg (3cc) in nebulizer continuously x 3 doses max; peds 2.5 mg x 3 doses 20 mins between doses (reference Broselow)
Route of Admin: Inhalation (Nebulized or MDI)
Onset/Duration: Onset 5-15 min; Peak 30 mins to 2 hours; Duration 3-4 hours
Generic Name (Trade Name): Charcoal
Classification: poison antidote
Indications: (some) overdose, toxic ingestion
Contraindications: AMS, known corrosive or petroleum ingestion
Side Effects: diarrhea, vomiting
Dosage: 50 gms PO or NG Tube, peds 1 gm/kg PO
Route of Admin: PO, NG Tube
Onset/Duration: onset immediate; duration as long as in GI