
Argumentative Essay On Meadowbrook's Lunches

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Argumentative Essay On Meadowbrook's Lunches
Meadowbrook’s lunches have a typically healthy food menu with a variety of meals that are balanced with taste and nutrition. All the meals served in lunch are healthy to an extent, but they are not as healthy as one would expect, some of these meals are more savory at the cost of its nutritional value, thus, these meals are trying to be replaced by the county. However these meals are the favorites of their consumer, the students, now there is two conflicting sides to this decision, that of the students wanting to maintain their beloved meals and the county trying to improve their schools. Both arguments are so contradicting that it has no real resolve that is common ground for either side. A decision must be made and it is no walk in the park, …show more content…
If you take away the food that most students enjoy and replace them with healthier and potentially a less favored meal it would be a ludicrous decision, first they wouldn't enjoy the meal and they would not want to buy something they don't want. If more than half of one lunch period buys a pizza the day the cafeteria serves the pizza meal, that would mean it is a popular dish and without a doubt this would mean its a student favorite. Take away that meal and you have a large portion of the schools kids left with discontent and possibly stripped of the willingness to buy lunch. lunches are only nutritional if the kids actually eat them, thus meaning the nutritional choice could not only be a huge impact on children's attitudes but their nutrition, the very thing this change is meant to benefit with. There are numeros healthy choices on the menu to begin with for the students who don't want the …show more content…
This emphasis on eating healthy could make students more healthy and more active in school, until they don't eat lunch at all and are missing core nutrition needed to get through the day. The county could also argue, healthy options are made packaged and served fresh on shelves where a student can receive their food in a line but it’s missing a key step, there's no real preparation, less man power to make food, means budget cuts on cafeteria ladies, but that's not necessarily a good thing. In an economy like ours it could take away the jobs of hundreds to thousands and maybe with time

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