1)The Urbanization of America
a)The Life of the City
i)Urban pop increased 7x in 50 yrs after Civil War, by 1920 majority of ppl lived in urban areas. Occurred partly b/c of natural growth, mostly b/c immigrants and rural ppl flocked b/c offered better paying jobs than rural areas, cultural experiences available, transportation to cities easier than ever
i)Late 19th century saw geographic mobility- Americans left declining Eastern agricultural regions for new farmlands in West and for cities of East ii)Women moved from farms where mechanization decreased their value; Southern blacks moved to cities to escape rural poverty, oppression, violence iii)Largest source of urban growth immigrants: …show more content…
Particular strain w/ women who in America shared more freedoms- adjust to more fluid life of American city ii)Assimilation encouraged by Natives thru public schools and employer requirement to learn English, religious leaders
i)Immigrant arrival provoked many fears + resentments of some native-born ppl. Reacted out of prejudice, foreign willingness to accept lower wages ii)Political response to these resentments- American Protective Association founded by Henry Bowers 1887, Immigration Restriction League sought to screen/reduce immigrants. 1882 Congress passed Chinese Exclusion Act, also denied entry to all “undesirables” and placed small tax on