Grand Canyon University: UNV 501
March 19, 2013
Berry, R. (2006). Beyond strategies: Teacher beliefs and writing instruction in two primary inclusion classrooms. Journal Of Learning Disabilities, 39(1), 11-24. This journal article describes the writing instructions within two inclusion classrooms. In the state of Virginia, the students take their first state writing test in fifth grade. A primary goal is to improve my instruction with the twelve inclusion kids I have this year. Ruth Berry encourages teachers to take risk (2006). The article has been peer-reviewed and therefore considered to be scholarly. The peer review also supports as a source of authority.
Berry, R. W. (2006). Teacher talk during whole-class lessons: Engagement strategies to support the verbal participation of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice (Blackwell Publishing Limited), 21(4), 211-232. doi:10.1111/- j.1540-5826.2006.00219.x “One of the most pressing concerns centers on how teachers can provide concurrent academic and social support in inclusion classrooms” (Berry, 2006, 211). It was as if Ruth Berry was writing directly about my first year as an inclusion teacher. Many times, students with disabilities may complete their work, but rarely participate in classroom discussions, share their answers with the class, or cooperate with group activities. The article has been peer reviewed and therefore considered scholarly. The peer review also supports as a source of authority for this article.
Hendley, S. L. (2007). Use positive behavior support for inclusion in the general education classroom. Intervention In School & Clinic, 42(4), 225-228. This journal article presents twenty research-based strategies to aid teachers in handling students with challenging behaviors in the inclusion