Should the US have Annexed the Philippines? The American eagle has landed in the Philippines. ln the first days we were not sure if the US was there to liberate or occupy the Filipino people. At first, it seemed like liberation. The
Philippines had been a Spanish colony for several centuries. The Americans chased out the
Spanish, and the future seemed clear. The leader of the Filipino revolutionaries, Emilio
Aguinaldo, was ready to march into the Philippine capital with the US and claim Filipino independence. But it didn't happen. We had second thoughts. Now the US has to stay.
Should this have happened? Is the US doing the right thing by annexing this island country?
The answer, is a strong "Yes" for three reasons: the Filipinos are not ready for selfgovernment, the Filipinos would be gobbled up by some other country, and it is God's design. The United States was correct to annex the Philippines because the Filipinos are not capable of selfrule. Senator Albert Beveridge of Indiana argues the point well. Yes, he says, government should be by the consent of the governed, but only when the people are mature enough to govern themselves. He said “we govern our children without their consent”. Like children the Filipinos need our protection. President William McKinley made a similar point. lf the United States left the Philippines to themselves the result would be "anarchy and misrule"
McKinley said it was our duty to educate and civilize the Philippine people. Beveridge and
McKinley were right. The Philippines needed more time. After all, the American colonies were governed by the British for 150 years before they were ready for independence.
Furthermore, colonizing countries like England, France, and Germany were waiting to pounce on the Philippines if the United States should decide to leave. McKinley was correct when he said that it would be foolish to turn the Philippines over to our trade rivals in Asia. lf the Philippines were not ready to govern themselves, it would have been unwise to let them fall into the hands of a country that would treat them badly. You don't turn children over to wolves. Finally, the US was right to keep the Philippines because it is God's plan. Providence wants America to grow. First it was Louisiana, then Oregon, then California. This expansion continued with Alaska and then Hawaii. Now it is the Philippines. ls there a better religion than
Christianity? ls there a better government than democracy? lt was our manifest destiny to take the Philippines and put it under our wing. ln Beveridge's simple words, "Wonderfully has God
guided us!”. America should never say deny God. Like all difficult matters, there are arguments against annexing the Philippines. William Jennings Bryan was right to say that the
Bible does not approve of guns and war. But great causes are not won without paying a price.
With God on our side, and the future of the islands in our hearts, America is doing the right thing by annexing the Philippines.
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