Life of Pi


Key Facts

Title: Life of Pi

Author: Yann Martel

Type of book: Novel

Genre: Post-colonial; magical realism

Original language: English

Written in: Canada during the 1990s

First published: 2002

Narrator: A fictional version of the author, Yann Martel; also, the protagonist, Pi Patel

Protagonist: Piscine Patel

Point of View: First-person limited in the voice of the author; then, first-person limited in the voice of Pi; finally, the author reproduces a “transcript” of the Japanese officials’ interview with Pi

Tense: Past

Set in: The outer frame of the story is set in the mid-1990s, taking place in India and Canada. The main story of Pi Patel takes place in the 1970s, also in India and Canada, as well as in the Pacific Ocean and Mexico. Pi’s time as a castaway begins in July 1977 and ends in February 1978.

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