
Reverend Hale and Parris - the Crucible Essay Example

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Reverend Hale and Parris - the Crucible Essay Example
Primarily, both Reverend Parris and Reverend Hale have different motives for investigating the case of witchcraft in Salem. Reverend Parris admits to Abigail "I saw Tituba waving her arms over the fire when I came on you...I saw a dress lying on the grass." Although Reverend Parris saw the blatant truth, he does not falter in his lie even when innocent people are sentenced to hang for something he knows is a hoax. Parris states to Abigail "And pray you feel the weight of truth upon you, for now my ministry's at sake," showing his sole concern for his job. Instead of smearing his reputation with the truth and risking a lose in salary, Reverend Parris would gladly see others hang. Reverend Hale on the other hand is after the cold hard truth in this witch-hunt. He wants to find the reason for the disturbance in Salem, when he discovers the conspiracy with Abigail and Proctor, Hale utters, "I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!" This shows Hale's earnest tendency towards the truth rather then self-edification.
Subsequently, Reverend Parris and Reverend Hale shed former morals in this play. Towards the end of the play just before John Proctor is hung, both men plead with Proctor to admit to the crime of witchcraft and save his life. Although both men realize they are telling Proctor to fabricate an open lie to the public, different morals back each of their requests. Reverend Parris is pleading with Proctor for his own conscience. He doesn't want to see any more innocents die to his hand. He also equates that Proctors confession will further benefit Parris' argument. Up to that point, no prominent society members have admitted to witchcraft. If Proctor were to do so, it would prove that there was at least one witch, so all the accused must also have been witches. Reverend Hale on the other hand tells Proctor to lie because he solemnly knows Proctor is innocent. Hale tells Elizabeth ."..Goody Proctor--cleave to no faith when faith brings blood. It is mistaken

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