
What You Eat Is Your Business Radley Balko Analysis

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What You Eat Is Your Business Radley Balko Analysis
Writer Radley Balko discusses his concerns with government involvement when creating plans to reduce obesity in his essay “What You Eat Is Your Business.” Along with writing for the Washington Post, Balko was previously an editor at the Huffington Post, an online blog that analyzes politics, business, world news, and more. The article stems from his libertarian beliefs by highlighting principles such as “limited government, individual liberty, free markets, and peace.” His article addresses an issue regarding governments becoming overly involved in health care rather than the individual taking personal responsibility.
In “What You Eat Is Your Business” Balko explains how our government system encourages obesity by providing free health care to all patients. Balko references politician, Senator Hilary Clinton, who believes in stronger federal
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Instead of placing the government in charge of what food we select, educate our country about maintaining a healthy lifestyle. We should remind individuals that being physically healthy is a personal responsibility. If we can shift the anti-obesity messages from public health matters to personal responsibility, then maybe the number of obese cases would start to decrease. Balko states, “We’ll all make better choices about diet, exercise, and personal health when someone else isn’t paying for the consequences of those choices” (469).
Overall, Balko presents a compelling argument by listing mistakes within the government, possible solutions, and instituting more education about personal health care decisions. His emphasis on personal responsibility and personal health care call attention to the importance of communicating the right type of message to our

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