
Trust In Othello Research Paper

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Trust In Othello Research Paper
Our topic is trust between lovers. What is trust? When your friend is spreading some rumor about your lover and your other friend, who would you trust, your lover or your friend? Trust is to believe in someone and give trust to him or her. You put your whole soul and belief to trust them. Trust is like a paper, once it is crumble it will not be perfect again. Trust plays an important role in Othello, because it started as trust and ends with trust. In Othello, the author used handkerchief as a symbol of trust. Every time the owner loses the handkerchief and another lover has the handkerchief, the other couple bonds a strong trust within the circle. Their relationship becomes better and firmer. The trust between Othello and Desdemona collapses when the handkerchief is missing. Meanwhile Emilia and Iago become closer …show more content…
They got married at the beginning of the play, which gave rise to the hatred and envy towards Othello. Therefore, their relationship is doomed to be transient. The couple slowly breaks up when their trust slowly collapses. Before their trust slowly collapses, Othello promised Brabantio that he would not harm his daughter. If he does then he will kill himself. “Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see. She has deceiv’d her father and may thee.” “My life upon her faith!” (Act 1, Scene 3, line 289-291). This has proven that Othello trust Desdemona with heart and soul that she would not cheat on him. This scene shows that the couple’s love is starting to collapse because of the handkerchief, and Othello feels suspicious about Desdemona cheating on him. “Fetch me the handkerchief.” “My mind misgives. Come, come; You’ll never meet a more sufficient man” (Act 3, Scene 4, line 85-87). This line also shows that Othello feels anxious because of the lost of the handkerchief that has a magic history involving his parents. The handkerchief proves of lover’s loyalty within each

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