
Theme Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Theme Of Compassion In To Kill A Mockingbird
Compassion, or the sympathy for others, plays a huge role in society, for most people recognize and have empathy for other people's misfortunes. This compassion is a major theme that is demonstrated in many different ways throughout the novel To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee. It is represented by people who are looked down upon within a community in both the book and today. Jem, a young boy, shows compassion in the novel when he recognizes the unfairness of Tom Robinson’s verdict just because he has a darker skin tone. t Atticus expresses care and concern for Mrs. Dubose who has a hard time controlling her actions due to her disability. Also, Scout demonstrates compassion for Boo Radley, who has become an outcast in society because of the many rumors that have been spread around about him. In the novel To Kill a Mockingbird, Tom Robinson, Scout, and Atticus display compassion for other people's misfortunes in the same way society does today.
Even though Mrs. Dubose is mean to Atticus’s children, Atticus still expresses his compassion towards Mrs. Dubose in To Kill a Mockingbird because he acknowledges that she cannot control her actions. After Atticus finds out what Jem has done to her camellias, he
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The novel relates to several topics in today's society. The movement called Black Lives Matter, shows a tremendous amount of compassion for police brutality against blacks. Compassion is also shown towards the homeless population of the United States who are accused of false rumors which turns people away from their true character. Finally, Atticus and several other people treat bullies with compassion rather than fighting with them. A lot of kindness is shown throughout the book and most of it is still expressed in modern life, but in order to improve society and the well-being of humans, many people still need to have and show their compassion and love for

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