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The Double Agent: Beaubama

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The Double Agent: Beaubama
Chapter 1

Midnight in the deserts of Afghanistan, at an Al-Qaida training camp. Gunshots echo throughout the camp. Young boys come running out of dust covered tents. Together they number fifty. All of them were half asleep and hungry, shivering in the ice cold night air. The story of these boys is the same. They were taken from their families at an early age and brought here. One in particular stands out; he is the son of a general who fights Al-Qaida, and serves the President of Afghanistan. He is about thirteen and is the eldest of all the boys there. His name is Beaubama
Suddenly heavy footsteps come closer to the lineup. It’s the person in charge of the camp, Captain Muammar Carldafi. A big cigar in his mouth illuminated his face. A scruffy beard surrounded his lips. He is in his mid-forties, and had a stomach like that of Santa Claus.
“You soldiers will be the backbone of our operation. You will be of great importance in toppling the Western ‘devils’. We must continue training and then we will be unstoppable.”
“You,” said Carldafi pointing at Beaubama, “get them running. I’ll make warriors out of you yet.” Upon saying this he went back to his jeep, which took him back to the other organization leaders.
After five years in the desert, Beaubama just turned eight-teen. He was a young man ready to fight and die for Al-Qaida and everything it represents. Beaubama was still the leader for training, getting everyone lined up, monitoring food rations, as well as many other things. He was told General Carldafi was expected to come in two days to watch a training drill, and a simulated combat exercise. When Beaubama heard this, he had the young men training even harder and more intense over that two days time.
The General arrived at midday. It was a flaming hot one-hundred-twenty-five degrees. The men were soaking in sweat, but were given orders to stand fast and not break formation. The General now examining the soldiers told them to run their normal training routine. Halfway through the drill, the soldiers were stopped and ordered to begin the combat simulation. It was to be a ‘last man standing’ simulation. Each man was given a paintball gun and was assigned to a position in an abandoned town. The General went to an observation point that looked over the entire town. Once situated, they heard a gunshot and began. Throughout the simulation, the General watched a number of men but had his eyes on one man in particular, Beaubama. Near the end of the simulation, Beaubama going door to door cleared the entire town and was the last man standing. Unbeknownst to Beaubama, General Carldafi was not there just to watch them train, he was there to hand pick the best soldier at the compound.
Carldafi called Beaubama over to the jeep. “Gather your things quickly and meet me here. You have ten minutes.” Beaubama ran to his tent without questioning and got his stuff in a bag and ran back to the jeep.
Beaubama then asked “What is going on?”
“I have been watching you. You lead with authority and precision. You have been chosen to further your training.” After a pause of silence they got into the jeep and drove away. “I always knew you were destined for great accomplishments. You have done well in training those others, but they were holding you back like worthless mules. Not allowing you to achieve your true potential.”
Arriving at the new training camp, Beaubama was introduced to other Al-Qaida leaders. Beaubama remained silent and listened to the conversation.
“Is this the one you told us about Carldafi?”
“Do you think he is ready?”
“I know he is ready” saying this Carldafi looked at Beaubama with a smirk.
“Will you serve this alliance with your life? Will you die for God? Will you...”
“He will do his job, and do it better than any of those fools you brought in.” stated Carldafi, who was getting upset and angry from all the questioning. “If I said he is ready, then he is ready. Why do you question me and my authority? Do you not value your life?”
Beaubama stepped into the conversation, “It’s alright master, it’s not for them to think I’m ready, it’s for you to decide.” Turning to the criticizer he began “If my master says I’m ready, then I’m ready.” Pausing for a moment he continued “Yes, I will serve this alliance with my life. Yes, I will die for God.”
“There, you see.” Carldafi then walked up to the one with the, as Carldafi put it ‘big mouth,’ and whispered into his ear “If you ever question me again, I will have my boy kill you.”
Solemnly the leaders left the room leaving Carldafi and Beaubama alone.
“You are going to be away for a long time.”
“Why?” asked Beaubama
“You are going to America to persecute and destroy our enemies, to make the world a better place.”
“When do I leave master?”
“Next month, that will give you some time to prepare and train.”
Time went by rapidly. The month was at its end. And Beaubama was a highly trained mercenary.
“Do I leave today master?”
Beaubama going to retrieve his bag, came back to see his master with a big smile on his face.
“What happened master?”
“Your brothers have succeeded in the desolation of the world trade center and the pentagon in America. The Americans run around like fleas, and we my son, are the ones who will crush them.”
“Yes master, with pleasure.”
“Go now and await my instructions.”
“Beaubama,” Beaubama turning around as he opened the door to leave “don’t fail me my son.”
Looking out the window and watching Beaubama enter a taxi and leave “The world will be MINE!”

Chapter 2

Arriving in America, and doing as his master taught him, Beaubama went to a store bought new clothes and began to blend in with everyone else. Leaving the airport, Beaubama hailed a taxi.
“Take me to this address.” Beaubama said and gave the cab driver a piece of paper with directions to a small house.
Exiting the cab Beaubama approached a small house. The house needed work; the grass was at least three feet tall in the front and the back. Opening the warped door and stepping in, he seen the house was a comfortable living quarters. A nice living room was to the left of the front door, the kitchen was on the other side. Further down the hall he found his bedroom. As he began to unpack his bag he noticed a closet with a note on the door knob:
‘You will know when the time is right.’
Opening the closet door, he found explosives and a variety of other weapons supplied by his master.
As time went by, reaching the age of twenty-two, Beaubama wanted to experience what it felt like to be on the ‘other side.’ He applied for a job at a police station. After being accepted, he began training at the police cadet school.
After eight years in the police force and enjoying this immensely, Beaubama was recruited by the CIA to specialize in foreign and domestic terrorism. Knowing that if he accepted this position he would have to leave behind and forget his past.
‘Should I accept or decline?’ This thought raced through his mind as he tried to get the last few hours of sleep before sunrise.
After much consideration and knowing the consequences if he gets found out, he accepted the job.
Over the four months he was in the CIA, he made a close friend, who was also in the CIA, whom he trusted with his life Mr. Harry Deep. Reaching a year long friendship, Beaubama decided he couldn’t keep his past a secret from his friend any longer.
“I’ll tell him this Sunday when he comes over for dinner.”
Sunday arrived quickly, and Harry came over for dinner.
“Supper was marvelous; you must give me the recipe for that pasta Beaubama.”
“I’ll give you the recipe before you leave Harry.”
The two men push against the table with their stomachs which slides their chairs back. Leaving the dinning room and entering the sitting room Beaubama began his to tell Harry his life story.
“Harry, I wish to tell you about my past.” Both men sit down in comfortable seats across from each other.
“Very well, you may proceed.”
As Beaubama began with his childhood, the smile on Harry’s face slowly disappeared. Reserving all questions until the end, Harry listened intently.
Upon Beaubama finishing, a long silence was in the room.
Trying to think of what to say, Harry opened his mouth, then closed it again with a loss of words.
Harry finally breaking the silence started “Is this the truth?”
Beaubama looking at Harry with a conformational facial expression, “Yes, regrettably it is.”
Coming completely to his senses, Harry continued to question “Does anyone else know about this?”
“Just you and I know now.”
“So did you know what you were supposed to do?”
“No, I was told I would be given instructions after things had settled down here after 9/11.”
“I have just one more question, if you were told to destroy something and murder hundreds of people tomorrow would you?”
“No, never, I have come to love this country too much.”
Harry standing up and walking over to Beaubama and shaking his hand resumed “Well don’t worry; I have your back buddy if something happens.”

Chapter 3

Ten years went by; Harry and Beaubama became closer friends. Beaubama became a Captain, one of the top guys in the field for the CIA.
One of the newest recruits (Beaubama called him Stinky) thought it would be fun if he researched Beaubama and found something. Looking into Beaubamas’ past, he discovered who Beaubama ‘really’ was, where he was from, and how he was trained by Al-Qaida. Stinky reported this to the head (everyone called him Chief) of the CIA who at first thought it was a joke.
“Sir it’s true, Captain Beaubama is an Al-Qaida member” Saying this Stinky gave the paperwork to Chief.
“This can’t be right; he’s one of the best agents we have. We can’t afford to lose him. Do you know how hard it would be to replace him?”
“No I don’t know sir.”
“Why did you even research him? What is your explanation?”
“I had some spare time so I just thought it would be fun to research him. I didn’t know I was going to find anything like this.”
Chief then looking at Stinky and quietly began “Do you know what this means? We now have to arrest one of our best agents and send him into torture and punishment.”
“Should I go arrest him, or do you want me to wait and have someone else do it?”
“You will wait for my orders and do nothing until then!”
“I’m sorry sir, I’m so…”
“Just get out of my office before I lose my patience with you,” Stinky stared at Chief dumbfounded “what do you need an invitation? Get out now!”
Stinky came out, furious at the tone of voice Chief used with him and asked where Beaubama was. Locating Beaubama, Stinky left the building, tracked down Beaubama, and tried to handcuff him.
“Stinky, what the heck are you doing?”
“I know who you really are, Al-Qaida scum.”
Hearing this Beaubama punched Stinky once in the face and handcuffed him. Bringing him into Chief, Beaubama wanted to know what was going on.
“Our young friend here thought it would be fun to research your past, and found something I didn’t even know. I’m sorry Beaubama, but you know what I have to do.” finished Chief then pulling out a set of handcuffs from his desk.
Seeing this Beaubama threw Stinky at Chief and ran down ten flights of stairs to exit the building. Beaubama, now in hiding knew he had to leave. Gathering what money he had, got a boat ticket back to Afghanistan and left America forever. Passing the statue of liberty, a single tear rolled down his cheek.
“God bless America” was the only thing he could say before losing sight of the statue.

Chapter 4

Reaching the coast of Afghanistan, Beaubama looked at the same port where he left when he was eight-teen. Getting a room at a motel he managed to contact Harry in the US. Harry unknowing what all transpired, questioned as to where Beaubama was.
“I’m in a motel back in Afghanistan, with nothing but the clothes on my back.”
“What happened?”
Beaubama explaining everything to Harry was then asked
“Do you need anything? Clothes, weapons, money, supplies, anything at all?”
“Maybe money and weapons.”
“I’ll see what I can do for you. It may take a little while to get you everything, is that alright?”
“Take your time,” Beaubama said calmly, then laughingly continued “but hurry up.”
Hanging up the phone Beaubama began surveillance and reconnaissance of the area. A month went by and Beaubama finally received a big package from Harry. Beaubama then called Harry
“Hey, I got the package. Thank you for the help.”
‘No problem, I mean what are friends for if they don’t help each other in times of need?”
“Harry” Beaubama’s voice started to fade a little and crackle “this may be the last time I ever talk to you. And if that be the case I want you to know that you’re the best friend a person could have.”
“Awe stop it, you’re gonna make me cry. Do you want me to come over there with you?”
“No, I have to do this alone. I know this beast better than most do and so I know what I must do.”
“And what would that be?”
“I’m going to kill them all, I have to.”
“What” Harry said in shock “are you crazy?!”
“You have no idea man” Beaubama said jokingly “goodbye old friend. I’m going to miss you.”
Saying this Beaubama ended the call before Harry could try to talk him out of proceeding with his plan.
Chapter 5

Executing his plan with pinpoint accuracy, Beaubama went from compound to compound. Starting with the beginners training camps, he killed them all from the soldiers to the children.
Approaching one of the people he trained with when he was young, Beaubama had put a knife to the person’s throat.
“Remember me?” were Beaubamas only words.
“No” replied the person startled.
“Perfect” as he sliced through the throat like hot knife through butter.
Dropping the body he continued to the barracks where the young ones were at.
As he killed each and every one of them, one thought went through his mind
‘Kill them all, no survivors; no one to pass on to fight for Al-Qaida, Al-Qaida must be destroyed forever!’
The clearing all of the training camps he moved on to the soldiers camp. As the slaughter continued, General Carldafi learned of the elite soldier. Slightly recognizing the fighting style he began to question himself as to who it was. Being told Beaubama died years ago, but yet he wondered.
“The only one who fights like this, could be but one person” the general looking as if he had seen a ghost “Beaubama!” As he said this aloud in the room of Al-Qaida leaders, everyone had a sudden look of fear on their face, worrying that they were the next target.
Beaubama leaving no trace of where he had gone after the assault on the soldiers barracks. He had retreated for a day to instill fear in the hearts of his ex-allies. Leaving the safety of his room Beaubama reentered the realm of combat that surrounded his enemies.
Beaubama had found a list of names and the locations of all Al-Qaida leaders. Upon finding this he resumed his crusade. Going from house to house in the middle of the night he began the assassination of the leaders and their families. After two nights he had finished all but one piece of the job that was left, the General.

Chapter 6

Beaubama entered the building where he had last seen his old master, old friend, old ally, and now his new enemy. Climbing the staircase to the top floor, he checked his gun
‘One shot left’ he thought to himself ‘one shot, one kill’
Opening the door to a room full of cubicles, Beaubama found a box of fresh donuts. Grabbing the entire box he proceeded, going room to room. Having a gun in one hand and the last donut in the other he came into the General’s office.
“Did you enjoy the sweeties?” asked the General with his back turned to the door. Then spinning around in his chair to look at Beaubama resumed “I thought you to be dead, is this a ghost or a man that stands before me stuffing his face with a chocolate cream filled donut?”
“It is a man who has not eaten in months. A man wanting justice and peace of mind knowing a criminal as you is off the street.” Looking down slightly and to the left he noticed a pot of coffee.
“Are you thirsty as well my son? Go ahead, help yourself”
“Let’s get three things straight alright. First off, I’m not your son, so you can stop calling me something that I never have been. Second, yes I am thirsty so if you don’t mind.” Beaubama said as he reached for the coffee pot “And thirdly” Beaubama pausing to put sugar into the coffee pot “I’m not here for formalities or for the resurrection of my past” after saying this, he drank the entire contents in the pot “I’m here for the redemption of the years that I lost to your inconceivable ignorance that I followed blindly for eight-teen years.”
“If you wanted to leave why did you not say so?” Carldafi asked while offering Beaubama another donut.
Taking the biggest one out of the box and biting off half of it in one bite, Beaubama tried to continue with a full mouth.
“I with to addreth thith ath soon ath possible” finishing this sentence he cleared his mouth and his throat “I did not leave because in my young eyes I assumed that you were offering me the world as a bowl of candy. Now that I know the mistakes of my past, I struggle every single day to correct what I did wrong.”
“And what you did wrong was?”
“What I did wrong was not doing this sooner” Beaubama smiling as he put a gun to Carldafi’s head “this is for all my real American brothers that you murdered!” After pulling the trigger, Beaubama sat back down to finish his donut and then left.
Opening the front door a burst of fresh air hit Beaubama’s face, and he felt as if the world were lifted off of his shoulders. Walking down the granite steps in front of the building a gunshot rang out. It came from a US sniper who was blended in to the hillside. Beaubama dropped to his knees; a hole three inches in diameter was through his chest. Looking up to the heavens he muttered his final words
“God Bless America!”
Dropping on his back the empty gun fell out of his hand, and a smile fell upon his face.

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