
RDM Zhao R And Data Mining

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RDM Zhao R And Data Mining
R and Data Mining: Examples and Case Studies


Yanchang Zhao
April 26, 2013


➞2012-2013 Yanchang Zhao. Published by Elsevier in December 2012. All rights reserved.

Messages from the Author
Case studies: The case studies are not included in this oneline version. They are reserved exclusively for a book version.
Latest version: The latest online version is available at See the website also for an R Reference Card for Data Mining.
R code, data and FAQs: R code, data and FAQs are provided at http://www.rdatamining. com/books/rdm. Chapters/sections to add: topic modelling and stream graph; spatial data analysis. Please let me know if some topics are interesting to you but not covered yet by this document/book.
Questions and feedback: If you have any questions or comments, or come across any problems with this document or its book version, please feel free to post them to the RDataMining group below or email them to me. Thanks.
Discussion forum: Please join our discussions on R and data mining at the RDataMining group
Twitter: Follow @RDataMining on Twitter.
A sister book: See our upcoming book titled Data Mining Application with R at http://www. Contents
List of Figures


List of Abbreviations


1 Introduction
1.1 Data Mining . . . . . . . . .
1.2 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3 Datasets . . . . . . . . . . . .
1.3.1 The Iris Dataset . . .
1.3.2 The Bodyfat Dataset .
































2 Data Import and Export
2.1 Save and Load R Data . . . . . . . . . . .
2.2 Import from and Export to .CSV

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