
Peaceful Resistance To Research Paper

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Peaceful Resistance To Research Paper
Peaceful resistance to laws positively impacts a free society. For many years history has shown and taught individuals how as a nation, people have been able to fight peacefully without any physical harm for rights such as equality.

Although our nation has been able to say that we the people have equal rights as everyone else, this is not necessarily the truth. To this day, equality is constantly being sought for. Although the idea may appear to be simple, the act of establishing equality as a tacit code for society is far more difficult. Unfortunately, we still live in a world where discrimination and racism are embedded into our everyday lives. Individuals make presumptions about someone solely based on the color of their skin, gender, religion, beliefs, and sexual orientation. Although this issue continually presents itself in areas of abuse and the difficulty of eradicating discrimination and racism may seem inevitable, it is not impossible to demand a voice to be heard in trying to put this to an end.

As I continue my undergraduate
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I believe our society can agree that till this day, we all do not have equality amongst our nation and although this not means let a war begin, we, as a nation should bring attention to this still prolonged social justice issue.

Equality will continually be sought after until the day comes where society will not have to worry about certain assumptions based on their own appearance. That day may be tomorrow, it may be in 100 years, but I believe that if we start somewhere, have it be a group of students at I can create at my university that can make a difference, we can influence others to empathize and rationalize. We can mold our society’s future into a sparkling oasis that is more than desirable through the one necessary ingredient:

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