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“Adam bol!” is the moral principle of...Abay. “Emanation” means: Out flowing of overfilled being
«History is the politics which is taking place at the moment», - concluded... Grocius
A characteristic feature of the Philosophy of the Renaissance is: Antropocentrism
A teaching which enhanced the emergence of philosophy in Islamic countries: Mutasilism
A thinker of the Renaissance times, the other of the “The Souvereign”»: Nocolo Machiavelli
A thinker who formulated 5 proofs of existence of God: Thomas Aquinas
According to Aristotle, the best form of state is:Aristocracy
According to Aristotle, what is the best form of friendship based upon? Goodness
According to Augustine spiritual substance: has no spatial qualities
According to Augustine, time is always tending toward: Non-being
According to Hegel, spirit can be hindered by: Nature
According to Hegel, the category of original history is defined by: The historian’s participation in the times he writes about
According to Hegel, The first social consciousness of freedom was realized by: The Greeks
According to Hegel, the four types of reflective history are: Universal, pragmatic, critical, and specialized
According to Hegel, which of the following is the prerequisite for the emergence of philosophy? Culture in general According to Hegel, world history should be concerned only with: People who form States
According to Kierkegaard, Socrates defined sin as which of the following: ignorance
According to Kierkegaard, when considered rationally, Christianity's teachings are: absurd
According to Locke, a substance is determined by its level of: Ontological independence
According to Nietzsche, what is music? An immediate copy of the will.
According to Socrates, what should be tested in a discussion besides the truth? The speakers
According to St. Augustine before the soul enters the body at birth, where is it? Augustine does not say
According to the interpretation of the Middle Ages, Truth and Perfection translated: in God;
An epistemic theory of truth based on the idea that the mind engages in a certain kind of activity: "verifying" a proposition. verificationism
An important tradition borrowed by Al-Farabi from ancient philosophy is called: Peripateticism
At the turn of what century classical period of science enters to the new nonclassical phase?in the end of XIX- the beginning of XX cent.
Augustine holds that God’s creation of the universe takes place: Eternally
Augustine’s idea of memory is inspired by: Plato
Call a form of personification (applying human or animal qualities to inanimate objects) and similar to prosopopoeia (adopting the persona of another person), which is the attribution of human characteristics and qualities to non-human beings, objects, or natural phenomena? anthropomorphism
Call fundamental principles of hinduism. ahimsa (non-violence), the primacy of the Guru, the Divine Word of Aum and the power of mantras, love of Truth
Call main principle of Taoism. Wuwei ("non-action").
Call Taoism's central books? Tao TeChing,
Call the Arabian philosophers. Ibn-Cina, al-Faraby, al-Gazaly
Call the belief in one or more gods or goddesses? theism
Call the belief that properties, usually called Universals, exist independently of the things that manifest them? realism
Call the Enlightenment philosophers. Montesquieu, J. J. Rousseau, Voltaire
Call the form of theism that holds that god contains, but is not identical to, the Universe. So the universe is part of god? panentheism
Call the Gilson’s book. "Reason and Revelation in the Middle Ages"
Call the most famous pupil of Socrates? Plato
Call the most important works of Aristotle. Physics, Metaphysics, (Nicomachean) Ethics, Politics, De Anima (On the Soul), Poetics,
Call the oldest major world religion. Hinduism
Call the philosopher which is belonged to structuralism. Ferdinand de Saussure
Call the philosophers of modern period. R. Barthes, M. Foucault, J. Derrida
Call the philosophical notion according which any system of thought which denies the causal nexus and maintains that events succeed one another haphazardly or by chance (not in the mathematical but in the popular sense)? accidentalism Call the philosophical position according which the only authentic knowledge is scientific knowledge. positivism
Call the philosophical view according which everything is of an all-encompassing immanent God; or that the universe, or nature, and God are equivalent? pantheism
Call the school of philosophy taught by the academics (or schoolmen) of medieval universities circa 1100 - 1500. scholasticism
Call the scientific methods of cognition. experiment, theory, analogy, analysis, synthesis.
Call the the doctrine according which "vital forces" are active in living organisms, where the life cannot be explained solely by mechanism. vitalism
Call the theory according which all the objects in the universe are composed of very small, indestructible elements? atomism Call the Thomas Aquinas’ book. "Metaphysical Themes in Thomas Aquinas"
Central problem of Abay’s philosophy: Problem of man.
Choose conception and determinants of Scienceekstirialistic and interialistic
Choose right statement.
Choose right statement. materialism – the philosophical view that the only thing that can truly be said to 'exist' is matter;
Choose right statement. verificationism – an epistemic theory of truth based on the idea that the mind engages in a certain kind of activity: "verifying" a proposition.
Choose the adequate definition of science: science is a producing of new knowledge
Choose the right sentence.
Choose the right sentence. mythology consist of notions of an all – powerful God is in control of everything.
Choose the right sentence. Buddhism is a system of beliefs based on the teachings of Siddhartha Gautama,
Choose the right sentence. Buddhism was founded by Siddhartha Gautama
Choose the right sentence. By Dukkha all worldly life is unsatisfactory, disjointed
Choose the right sentence. Classical (or "early") Greek philosophy focused on the role of reason and inquiry.
Choose the wrong sentence. Greek philosophy took their origin in the works of Augustus
Choose the wrong sentence. Plato is a teacher of Socrates
Choose the wrong sentence. transcendental idealism – the philosophy of Plato and later Greek Idealist philosophers; Choose the wrong sentence: Brahmanism is ancient religion of Korea
Choose the wrong sentence: Confucionism consist of Toaism divine book
Choose wrong statement. monism – the metaphysical and theological view that there are million principles, essences, substances or energies.
Choose wrong statement. atomism the theory that all the ideas in the universe are composed of very small, destructible words.
Choose wrong statement. Chinese philosophy has its origin in France
Choose wrong statement. philosophy of science, branch of philosophy that emerged as an autonomous discipline in the 11th cent., especially through the work of Augustus, Ancelm, Plato and I. Kant
Complete the sentence. Ancient greek philosophers used rational argument... to advance their views to others
Complete the sentence. Bodhidharma was a: semilegendary Indian monk who traveled to China in the 5th century. Complete the sentence. Buddhism is: non-theistic religion,
Complete the sentence. By the materialism - our reality is made of ... material staff
Complete the sentence. Early greek philosophers depended on reason and observation to..., illuminate the true nature of the world around them
Complete the sentence. Hegelianism – a philosophy developed by Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel which can be summed up by a favorite motto by Hegel... " The rational alone is real".
Complete the sentence. Humanism was a form of ... education and culture based on the study of classics.
Complete the sentence. Jainism teaches: asceticism - acts of self-discipline, self-deprivation, and self-denial - as the way to enlightenment.
Complete the sentence. Middle Ages associated with: the Black Death, economic, political and social crises and with “Dark Ages”
Complete the sentence. Philosophy is ... the form of human spiritual activity
Complete the sentence. Philosophy is humanitarian discipline, it learns students to... develop their thinking and speech. Complete the sentence. Reason – was the word used the most frequently during the... Enlightenment
Complete the sentence. Renaissance has its origins... in Italy and is associated with the rebirth of antiquity or Greco- Roman civilization
Complete the sentence. The Enlightenment has been fostered by the ... remarkable discoveries of the Scientific Revolution of the seventeenth century.
Complete the sentence. The history of philosophy in the West begins with: Greek philosophy
Complete the sentence. The origins of the Enlightenment are closely associated with... France and its philosophers such as Voltaire, Rousseau and others.
Complete the sentence. The term "German Idealism" refers to a phase of intellectual life that had its origin in the ... Enlightenment
Contemporary philosophy is represented by following schools: existentialism, scientism, structuralism, pragmatism, positivism.
Culture is: spiritual and material values of the humanity
Describe the Shinto religion.Shinto is the indigenous religion of Japan, a sophisticated form of animism that holds that spirits called kami inhabit all things.
Did Korkytata find eternal life? Found in the sounds of kobyz, in spirituality.
During which century was Capital published? 19th century.
Experiment is: scientific method of cognition.
Expression «You can't enter the same water twice» belongs to:Heraclitus
From the second part of XX century science entered a new task-oriented in its development:scientiozitional
From the second part of XX century science entered a new task-oriented in its development: -personal
Function of philosophy is: summarize all scientific achievements of different sciences and makes up common notion (representation) of the world
He founded the Philosophy of policy in the epoch of formation of the early bourgeois relations... Machiavelli
He was a student at the Sophists school first, and then became their opponent: Socrates
He was called "the first teacher": Aristotle
Hegel believes that history can teach us which lessons for the future? None
Hegel considers his view of the concept of development to be: absolute and concrete
Hegel is an idealist
Hegel refers to historical figures like Julius Caesar as: World-historical individuals
Hegel refers to history as: A slaughter-bench
Hegel seems to heartily disapprove of which historical method? Critical history
Hegel uses what as a metaphor for Spirit: A seed
Highlight basic internal facilities of the nonclassical science Period: pluralism and experimentation
Highlight the main features of modern time: there are applications industry, the focus of science at the finished result, the notion of unity of science is gone
Historically first form of philosophical description of the science?construction of universal methodology
How do humans differ from animals in Hume’s view? Humans are very good at drawing general inferences from experience
How do we call the idea that two or more moral values may be equally ultimate (true), yet in conflict? value pluralism How do we come to infer a connection between cause and effect in Hume’s mind? Habit
How do we know that the philosopher’s pleasure is the greatest possible pleasure, according to Plato? Because only he is in a position to judge and he says so
How do we learn virtue in Aristotle’s view? By habit
How do you call the devotion to a single god while accepting the existence of other gods? henotheism
How does Apollo attempt to calm individual beings? By drawing boundary lines between them
How does Kant recommend we teach morals? We start by discussing particular examples of morally questionable and upright behavior
How does Kant view the relationship between freedom and morality? Following the moral law is freedom
How does Wittgenstein conceive of the role of philosophy? As being the logical clarification of language.
How have the many various social and political movements, and a significant body of religious and secular literature which based upon the idea of paradise on earth been called? utopianism
How is a group of new ideas in literature, religion, culture, and philosophy that advocates that there is an ideal spiritual state is named? transcendentalism
How is justice different from virtue, according to Aristotle? Justice deals with our relations to others, while virtue is a state of being
How many laws exist, according to Kant, which are suited to governing a free will? One
How should one treat an old friend whom one has long since exceeded in friendship? Break off the friendship, but maintain feelings of goodwill for the old friend
In Marx’s view the amount of labor put into a commodity is a measure of its ________ Value.
In considering of that problem there emerged nominalism and realism in the Middle Ages: Universals
In medieval philosophy the belief that properties, usually called Universals, exist independently of the things that manifest them.realism
In modern society, who owns the means of production, according to Marx? The capitalists.
In philosophy a rigorous discipline dealing with such concepts as: object, state of affairs, property, genus, species, identity, unity, plurality, number, relation, connection, causation, series, part, whole, dependence, existence, magnitude, boundary, manifold, set, class, etc.
In philosophy devotion to a single god with accepting the existence of other gods.henotheism
In which field is Wittgenstein's main concern in introducing thoughts? Logic.
It bears the knowledge according to Aristotle:Soul
Jainism was founded by Mahavira,
Kant quotes a Stoic who cries out, while suffering intense pain, "Pain, however you torment me, I will never admit that you are something evil." He believes the Stoic is: Correct, and a good illustration of a philosophical distinction
Kant regards pure practical reason as: Being much less liable to misunderstanding than pure theoretical reason Kierkegaard compares Christian writers to which of these professionals? doctors
Medieval thesis was: science, and ...theology
Miletus school was named after:Name of the city.
On Locke's account of knowledge, what does all knowledge ultimately boil down to? Intuition.
On Locke's theory of meaning, to what do words refer? Ideas
One of the characteristics of the Renaissance is:Antropocentrism
One of the main philosophy books of St. Thomas Aquinas is:Summa Theologica
One of the prominent representatives of the older sophists was:Protagoras.
One of the reasons which explains differences between ancient Greek science and practice: attitude to work as inheritance slavery, lack of interest to the improving of production and technology
One of the representatives of the stoics was: Seneca.
Outstanding philosopher and doctor of the Arab medieval world, author of «Canon of medical science»:IbnSina Outstanding philosopher of the Renaissance blamed in heresy and burnt by InquisitionJordano Bruno
Philosopher who considered "Four roots" as the middle stage, but atoms were the beginning of everything:Democrits. Philosophic trend of the medieval Islamic philosophy: Sciencecentrism
Philosophic views of .................... gave the rise to the utopian ideas of the Renaissance: Thomas Moor
Philosophical notion according which any justification or knowledge theory in epistemology holds beliefs are justified (known) when they are based on basic beliefs (also called foundational beliefs). foundationalism
Philosophical work of Kazakh thinker Shakarim is called:Three truths (UshAnyk).
Philosophy of the Middle Ages characterized as "school philosophy" was called: Scholastics
Plato founded the school of Philosophy called: Academy
Political theory which argues that one person should hold all power. political absolutism
Postnonclassicall science is a period associated with: the second part of XX cent.
Primordial substance of the nature according to Heraclitus is: Fire
Representative of Modern Philosophy who said "I think, therefore I am"Descartes
Science was formed as an independent institution:during modern time
Searching individuality -the peculiar feature of Philosophy... Renaissance
Sh. Valikhanov’s work is “On Islam in the Steppe”.
Socrates in the dialogue Protagoras argues that it is impossible to be overcome by pleasure. What is his reason? He can think of no cases in history where this has happened
Statement «Man is the measure of all things» belongs to:Protagoras
Subject of philosophy and history of the science? science and its result
The age of the Renaissance is: approximately from 1350 to 1550.
The apparently paradoxical idea that a proposition or theory cannot be scientific if it does not admit the possibility of being shown false.falsificationism
The attempt to reconcile disparate, even opposing, beliefs and to meld practices of various schools of thought. It is especially associated with the attempt to merge and analogize several originally discrete traditions, especially in the theology and mythology of religion, and thus assert an underlying unity. syncretism
The author of “The Tractatus of the views of the citizens of a Virtuous City” is called “the second teacher”: Al-Farabi
The author of the book «KutadguBilik»: Balassaguni
The basic function of scientific activity is attitudinal one which peculiars to the period: up to XIX cent.
The basic principle of postnonclassical science: the principle of universal evolutionism
The classic period of science associated with:XVII-XIX cent.
The development of science during medieval period was: extensive
The famous I. Kant’s work. “The Metaphysics of Ethics”
The famous Kazakh philosopher .Shakarim.
The famous representative of patristic studies, author of the books "The City of God" "Confessions":St. Augustine
The first "scientists" in Ancient Greece were called...natural philosophers
The forerunners of Italian natural Philosophy is (born in 1401):Ssavonarola
The founder of all modern experimental science was:F. Beckon
The founder of medieval Islamic philosophy:Al-Kindi
The fundamental question of the human is: essence of his life
The goal which was formed by Socrates , is to define: The truth
The goal of science is control the nature. This thesis is linked with:modern science
The ideas like “The Sky”, “Umay”, “Zher”, “Su” which influenced Kazakh world outlook are referred to medieval philosophic-religious teaching: Tengrianism.
The main function of philosophy is: to preserve spiritual values and to form scientific worldview (philosophy).
The main peculiarity of philosophy is: study relationship between personality and society or objective reality.
The main postulate of rationalismAll knowledge is based on experience
The main postulate of the empiricism: All knowledge is based on experience
The main problem of the Philosophy of science?scientific discovery and development of science;
The mixing of science with production happened with the help of: transforming of production to the scientific production
The Moslem holy book is: Koran
The most chatracteristic feature of Modern Philosophy:Science centrism
The most famous of the cynics is:Diogenus
The most intense sin is according to Kierkegaard: Declaring Christianity to be untrue
The most prominent student of Plato’s Academy: Aristotle
The nature of the stages of history in their most general sense is a subject for: Philosophical logic
The period of genesis began: from XVII cent.
The philosophical notion that encompasses both atheism and agnosticism.agnostic atheism –
The philosophical view according which the meaning and value of human beliefs and behaviors have no absolute reference. relativism
The Philosophy of science researching area: the field of science and scientific knowledge
The search for individuality the peculiar feature of Philosophy of....Renaissance
The teacher of Alexander the Great was: Aristotle
The typology employed by political scientists to describe modern regimes in which the state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior. totalitarianism
The various mystical initiatory religions, sects and knowledge schools, which were most prominent in the first few centuries CE.gnosticism
The various mystical initiatory religions, sects and knowledge schools, which were
The word "Sophist" is translated from Greek as:Wise man
The words that Arab thinkers brought joyful free-thinking to Europe belongs: Engels
Through the work of what philosophers is philosophy of science emerged as an autonomous discipline? Auguste Comte, J. S. Mill, and William Whewell
To which of the following does the phrase "veil of perception" refer? The claim that all we are immediately aware of is our ideas
Under the Renaissance man was considered as: creator, artist
Under the Renaissance man was considered to be as Man - creator, artist
What are the social functions of society poses to science philosophical, productive and social forces
What are the social functions of society poses to science philosophical, productive and social forces
What century of philosophy is determinated by the activities of Sören Kierkegaard, Karl Barth, Friedrich Nietzsche? nineteenth century
What city did Kant live in all his life? Konigsberg
What classical text is Confucianism based on? chinese
What culture has Hinduism its origin at least as far back as 3000 ancient Vedic culture
What did Descartes learn in his travels abroad?Different people have different customs
What did Socrates make his most important contribution to Western thought through? his method of enquiry
What did the pre-Socratic philosophers reject? traditional mythological explanations for the phenomena they saw around them
What discipline tries to explain that moral principles have an objective foundation.philosophy
What do all facts have in common? They exist in logical space.
What do pictures and facts have in common? They share a logical form.
What does “ZhetyZharghy” mean? Laws of Kazakhs in the XVIII century
What does ahimsa mean? non-violence
What does Hegel say about the decline of the spirit of a given people? It dies in ‘national suicide’
What does Kant say about Hume's refutation of the reality of causality? That it would be true of noumenal things, but not phenomenal things
What does Legalism advocate? strict interpretation of the law in every respect
What does Marx say is the effect of the division of labor on the worker? Loss of imagination and character.
What does moksha mean? liberation
What does philosophy involve?reflection about aims, meaning, sense and essence of personality taken as subject of culture.
What does philosophy usually use? scientific methods of cognition.
What does Renaissance mean? rebirth or recovery.
What does Socrates mean to illustrate with the allegory of the cave? The effects of education on the soul
What does Taoism emphasize? Nature, individual freedom, refusal of social bounds
What does theoretical reason show about freedom, according to the first Critique? Nothing, except that it can never legislate for or against it
What element in reality to the names in propositions correspond to? Objects.
What form did Plato write his philosophical dialogues—arguments in? in the form of conversations
What great changes from the fifteenth century took place affecting public and social spheres of Europe and then the rest of the world? the basis of the modern European civilization and capitalist system were founded.
What is a belief a combination of, according to Hume? Probability and imagination
What is a false idea, according to Locke? An idea cannot, strictly speaking, be false
What is an adequate idea, according to Locke? An idea that perfectly represents whatever it purports to represent What is Hegel referring to with the phrase, ‘the material in which the rational end-goal is to be realized’? The State
What is Locke's first target of attack in the Essay? Innate propositions
What is the difference between thought and understanding, according to Plato Thought makes use of images and hypotheses as crutches, whereas understanding does not
What is the highest good, in the sense that is the object of pure practical reason? That all virtuous people be happy
What is the meaning of new technological orientation of science? Science becomes a factor of production and poduction becomes area of application of science
What is the meaning of new technological orientation of science? Science becomes a factor of production and poduction becomes area of application of science
What is the role of women in the city? Women occupy all of the same roles that men occupy
What is the world the totality of, according to Wittgenstein? Facts.
What is, for Kant, the relation of self-love to morality? Acting on self-love opposes the moral law; one's impulses are morally irrelevant as long as one acts on the motive of duty
What kind of idea does Locke consider our idea of the infinite?Simple
What kind of philosophy, according to Aristotle, studied the activity of the man, organization of the state:Practical
What metaphysical and theological viewconsiders that there is only one principle, essence, substance or energy in universe?monism
What period of philosophy are nominalism and realism belonged to? Medieval
What period of philosophy is transcendentalism.belonged to? German classical
What philosopher considered that change is the most important fact about the world?
What philosophers are belonged to medieval century? Augustine, Ancelm
What philosophical direction denies the reality of the universe, seeing it as ultimately illusory, (the preffix "a-" in Greek meaning negation; like "un-" in English), and considers the infinite Unmanifest Absolute as real? acosmism
What philosophical direction denotes a life which is characterised by refraining from worldly pleasures (austerity) ?asceticism
What philosophical direction has been originated in the United States in the late 1800s.and has been characterized by the insistence on consequences, utility and practicality as vital components of meaning and truth? pragmatism
What philosophical direction refers to the ideology of science as the only legitimate truth and to a conception of social progress as necessary and brought forth by technological development? scientism
What philosophical doctrine claims that all human knowledge ultimately comes from the senses and from experience? empiricism
What philosophical movement views human existence as having a set of underlying themes and characteristics, such as anxiety, dread, freedom, awareness of death, and consciousness of existing, that are primary? existentialism
What philosophical movement views the area of philosophy of the mind, and distinguishes a position where one believes there to be ultimately many kinds of substances in the world, as opposed to monism and dualism? Pluralism
What philosophical notion claims that our experience is not about the things as they are in themselves, but about are the things as they appear to us? transcendental idealism
What philosophical notion expreses a condition of being without theistic beliefs and absence of belief in the existence of gods? atheism
What philosophical notion states that the efforts of man to find meaning in the universe will ultimately fail because no such meaning exists (at least in relation to man)? absurdism
What philosophical school claims that origins of our world is an idea (God, God’s mind, universal intelligence, universal reason or absolute spirit ). idealistic
What philosophical school followed in the legacy of Thomas Aquinas? Thomism
What philosophical theory uses culturally interconnected signs to reconstruct systems of relationships rather than studying isolated, material things in themselves? structuralism,
What philosophical view also called Homocentrism, is the practice, conscious or otherwise, of regarding the existence and/or concerns of human beings as the central fact of the universe? anthropocentrism
What philosophical view claims that reason, rather than revelation or tradition, should be the basis of belief in God? deism What philosophical view considers tha truth values of certain claims — particularly theological claims regarding the existence of God, gods, or deities — are unknown, inherently unknowable, or incoherent, and therefore, (some agnostics may go as far to say) irrelevant to life? agnosticism
What philosophical view contains belief in, or worship of, multiple gods or divinities? polytheism
What philosophical view explains that the only thing that can truly be said to 'exist' is matter? materialism
What religion claims that morality is not important? Legalism
What school of philosophy attempted to prove God's existence? Many medieval thinkers greatly influenced future philosophers and rationalists who What century did philosophy begin? rationalists
What schools the fundamental question of philosophy connected with?materialism and idealism
What things are common to all Hindus? belief in Dharma, reincarnation, karma, and moksha
What was Kierkegaard's native country? Denmark.
What was the central problem of the Greek school of Philosophy of the early period: Cosmos and its origin
What was the essence of a human, according to Shakarim.In the presence of conscience.
What was the main problem considered in the works of A. Baytursinov: Problems of Kazakh language and literary work.
What was the mainstream ideology in China? Confucianism
What, according to Nietzsche, was the current academic trend of his day? The skeptical abandonment of the Hellenic ideal
When did philosophy begin? 6th Century B.C.
When did the statement that science and machinery cause man's mastery on nature appear:In Modern Times
When one meets a humble but upright person, how does Kant predict one will feel? One's self-conceit is struck down by respect for the moral law
When was happened the philosophical description of the science?at the end of XIX century
Where did Descartes eventually settle?The Netherlands
Where did philosophy begin? in Ancient Greece
Where do many streams of hinduistic thought flow from? Vedic/Hindu schools, Bhakti sects and Tantra Agamic schools
Where do Zen practitioners engage in? zazen (just sitting) meditation.
Where does the word Jainacome from? the title Jina,
Which does Kant take as a greater threat to practical reason, mysticism or empiricism? Empiricism, for it is the moral natural error for the common run of humanity
Which historical event took place within Kant's lifetime? The French Revolution
Which of following features characterize nonclassical science? intensification of ways to mix -scientific knowledge, complication of the objects of science
Which of philosophers considered that phenomenal world takes its rise in the absolute, self-determined will of God? Schelling
Which of the following classes of society populates the first city? Producers
Which of the following does Aristotle consider to be the worst? Being great and expecting moderate honors
Which of the following does Locke compare color and smell to? Sickness
Which of the following ideas does Locke consider to be the likeliest candidate for innateness? Idea of God
Which of the following is always an end in itself, according to Aristotle? Happiness
Which of the following is associated with the absurd, in Kierkegaard’s view? The religious.
Which of the following is associated with the finite, in Kierkegaard’s view? Both the aesthetic and the religious.
Which of the following is associated with the single individual, in Kierkegaard’s view? Both the aesthetic and the religious.
Which of the following is associated with the universal, in Kierkegaard’s view? The ethical.
Which of the following is fundamental according to Hume? Simple impressions
Which of the following is not a kind of idea according to Locke's classification? Nominal
Which of the following is not considered an aspect of the soul by Plato? The emotive part
Which of the following is not considered an important aspect of the warriors’ education? Gymnastics
Which of the following is the opposite of sin, according to Kierkegaard ?faith
Which of the following philosophers was most deeply influenced by Hume? Immanuel Kant
Which of the following relationships is analogous to the king-subject relationship? Father-son
Which of the following subjects did Descartes most admire as a student?Mathematics
Which of the following would Locke consider the best analogy to the human mind? Tabula Rasa
Which of them are belonged to Contemporary philosophy? Derrida, Heidegger.
Which of them are belonged to Neoplatonic philosophy? Johannes ScotusEriugena, Saint Anselm
Which of them are belonged to the period of Enlightenment’s philosophy ?Diderote, Russo
Which of them are belonged to the period of German classical philosophy? I. Kant, Hegel
Which of them are belonged to the period of Greek philosophy? Plato, Aristotle
Which of them are belonged to the period of Medieval philosophy? Augustus, Aquinatus
Which of them are belonged to the period of Renaissance’s philosophy? Machiavelli, D. Bruno
Which of them is belonged to poststructuralism? Derrida
Which of these aspects does not form the essence of Dionysian music? The symbolic power of phenomenon.
Which of these Kazakh philosophers was the great scientist-historian, ethnographer, geographer, economist, traveller? Valihanov
Which of these philosophers are not idealist? Aristotle, Democritus
Which of these philosophers championed deism.?Voltaire
Which of these philosophers was a objective idealist ?Hegel
Which of these philosophers was a subjective idealist ?I. Kant
Which of these philosophers was a subjective idealist ? Plato
Which of these philosophers was an idealist? Plato
Which two things come together as the means of history, according to Hegel? Idea and human passions
Which writer had concerns similar to Marx's about the impact of the division of labor on human character?Adam Smith. Who considered that phenomenal world, is produced a priori by the activity of consciousness? I. Kant
Who considered that we are all part of a vast single will which is the entire universe, and any sense of individuality is pure illusion? Schopenhauer
Who considers that early Greek philosophers do have important things to tell us about the world? Heraclitus
Who does Socrates claim he is a disciple of? Prodicus
Who has created the theory of deconstruction? Derrida
Who interpreted the process of development in a purely idealistic manner as the unconscious opposition of the Absolute to itself? Fichte
Who is the ultimate judge of what is right and what is wrong in human moral practice, according to Hume? Society as a whole
Who made a great contribution to the Enlightenment with creation of the famous Encyclopedia (Classified Dictionary of Science, Arts and Trades)? Diderot,
Who professed himself to be “a follower of Dionysus, the god of life’s exuberance”, and declared that he hoped Dionysus would replace Jesus as the primary cultural standard for future millennia? Nietzsche
Who published the last two volumes of Capital after Marx's death? Friedrich Engels.
Who set the stage for what would eventually develop into the scientific method centuries later in Europe. Aristotle
Who singled out three main tasks for metaphysics? Aristotle
Who was considered to be the first philosopher of Greece?Thales
Who was the first teacher of philosophy ?Aristotle
Who was the second teacher after Aristotle? al-Faraby
Who wrote the poem “The Lost Life” (AdaskanOmyr): Torayghyrov.
Whom has “Critique of pure reason” written by? I. Kant,
Whom have “ Metaphysics”, (Nicomachean) “Ethics”, written by? Aristotel
Whom the conceptual framework of German Idealism was provided by? Immanuel Kant
Why by Heraclitus the river where you set your foot just now is gone? because those waters giving way to this, now this. Why do people behave badly according to Socrates? They are ignorant
Why does philosophy differ from mythology very much.because mythology involves the belief to the God, explanation of our reality’s by the God’s will.
Why does Socrates claim he can learn more from Protagoras than from Pericles? Protagoras can both give a long speech and answer question about it afterwards

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    1. When data are read from a text file, you can use the BufferedReader to read one line at a time. After a line of data is read, there is no way of going back to read it again. To overcome this you can first read all the data into a structured object to store them, and then process the data later. Please use the DNA class (we have developed in the past a few weeks, which has properties of ID and seq, and the set/get methods) to develop a Java program to read in a FASTA format DNA sequence file, and parse out each sequence record into the part of ID and sequence. The ID is identified between the ">" and the "|" in the header line, and the sequence is the concatenation of all lines of the sequence part into a single string. Each DNA sequence record can then be stored into an array element of the DNA class. Use a loop in your program to prompt the user to enter a sequence ID, and if the ID exists print out the sequence. If the ID does not exist, print out a warning message. Exit the loop if the user enters “quit”. Please use the sequence file (seq.fasta) as the input file. Below is a sample output of the program: (2 points)…

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    The GASB provides requirements for investment pools. First, internal investment pools, which account for investments of the reporting entity, are to be spread out to the funds providing the resources, when preparing financial statements. Any governments participate in external investment pools where investment…

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    Homework 3

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    Molecule x blocked the ion channel receptor site so acetylcholine could not attach therefor not allowing the muscle to ultimately contract.…

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    * Harbor Beach Jacket $69.50 Beach Street Jacket $49.50 * Seal Beach Sweater EASY FIT $49.50 * First Jetty Sweater EASY FIT $44.50 * El Morro T-Shirt $17.50 $15 Belmont Shore Top EASY FIT $39.50 * San Elijo Top EASY FIT $34.50 * Manhattan Beach Top EASY FIT $39.50 * Victoria Beach Tank EASY FIT $34.50 River Jetties Top EASY FIT $34.50 * Swami's Beach Tank EASY FIT $17.50 $12 * Swami's Beach Tank EASY FIT $17.50 $12 * Cardiff Tank ONLINE ONLY $17.50 * Laguna Niguel Tank EASY FIT $19.50 $15 *…

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  • Powerful Essays


    • 727 Words
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    1. Describe Rome in 1402. How did Rome begin to change once the papacy returned to Rome? Why did the papacy rebuild the city? What affect did the papal palaces have on pilgrims according to Paolo Cortesi?…

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    Over periods of time, many movie producers have tried to copy the exact details of the literacy text Les Miserables. Some audiences have enjoyed the movie versions, and some have enjoyed the literacy text. Overall the movie cannot compare to the amazing details of the text. Some may try to make the movie look and sound unique and remain in the boundaries of the book, but most times the literacy text takes the audience’s attention over the movie. The movie version laves out many descriptive details that just have to be included or else it does not stand a chance against the literacy text in comparison. Although there are differences and similarities between the video clip and the literacy text, it is very important to recognize comparing and contrasting the two, to understand the point of Les Miserables.…

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    homework 3

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    Describe the atmosphere created by the combination of film elements and how they contributed to your liking or disliking of the movie.…

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    • 780 Words
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    #5. Other things equal, what effects would each of the following have on aggregate demand or aggregate supply? In each case use a diagram to show the expected effects on the equilibrium price level and the level of real output.…

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    7. List the hematocrit for the female with iron-deficiency anemia (sample 6) and indicate whether it is normal or abnormal.…

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    • 450 Words
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    Appendix D JavaScript Objects Read the directions carefully and write JavaScript code that addresses the requirements. Copy your code directly into the appendix document and post your assignment. Write a line of code using the Location object to return the uniform resource locator (URL) of a web page to a variable called myWebPage. Write a line of code using the Navigator object to return the web browser name to a variable called myBrowserName. Write a line of code using the Screen object to return the height of the display screen, not including operating system features such as the Microsoft Windows Taskbar, to a variable called myScreenHeight. Write a line of JavaScript code using the Windows object and other properties to open a new web browser window with the Google home page displaying and no menu bar. html head script…

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    2. ________________-the sum of all the chemical reactions that occur within the cells of an organism.…

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    4. What are the questions of fact? How does a persuasive speech on a question of fact differ from an informative speech? Give an example of a specific purpose statement for a persuasive speech on a question of fact.…

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    The pilgrims landed in Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620. They left England to seek religious freedom, or in search of a better life. After a period in Holland they set sail from England on September 16, 1620 abroad the Mayflower. They were a small religious group that was part of a larger religious group the “puritans”. The Puritan movement denoted a loose collection of religious beliefs. Puritans believed that all institutions including, government, schools, families, communities, and the Church of England should be ‘purified” by cleansing away all cultural characteristics regarded by the puritans as “ungodly”. The puritans persecuted and tortured non-conforming Christians. (…

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    Determine the activity rate (i.e., predetermined overhead rate) for each of the four activity cost pools. (Omit the "$" sign in your response.)…

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    homework for nothing

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    Older people, technology and community the potential of technology to help older people renew or develop social contacts and to actively engage in their communities Acknowledgements A great many individuals have made invaluable contributions to this project, most particularly the members of the steering group who guided this project over the course of the last eight months. Their knowledge, experience and patience with the process have been greatly appreciated. The project was framed by a seminar held last June at the RSA. The individuals who participated in that discussion helped us to lay firm foundations for the work going forward.…

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