
Comparison Of The Resurrection In The Four Gospels

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Comparison Of The Resurrection In The Four Gospels
Comparison of the resurrection accounts in all four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John discussed many important accounts about the resurrection of Jesus that were very similar. However, each author discussed the resurrection accounts slightly in a different way, recording other specifics and highlighting more details than the others. In my opinion, the resurrection account is one of the most important accounts in the gospels. The four Gospels have several similarities and differences of the resurrection of Jesus, in which all facts from each account are speaking the same facts but in different ways. After reading each account, I observed that all four gospels recall the resurrection being on Sunday, the first day of the week. In addition, each gospel had a similarity of the time that the resurrection took place. Each gospel said that it took place early in the morning. When it comes to who was mentioned at the sepulchre (tomb) that is when we can see differences. Each gospel mentioned different people present at the sepulchre.
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In addition, in the book of John the scriptures only mention Mary Magdalene at the tomb. Based on my reading of the resurrection in Luke, the scripture used the word they, but did not specifically say who was present at the tomb. When reading the gospels Mark and Luke I discovered there was a purpose for the visitation at the tomb. For example, the scriptures in Mark and Luke said the women brought spices they prepared to anoint the body of Jesus. In the book of Matthew it mentioned they were going to look at the tomb and in John no purpose was mentioned for visitation of the tomb. When on their way approaching the tomb, the book of Mark was the only gospel that mentioned the question of who will roll away the tomb. However, each gospel recorded the details of the arrival of the tomb in a different

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