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Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage

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Argumentative Essay on Gay Marriage
Argumentative Essay: Should Gay Marriage be Legalized?

Gay marriage has been a critical topic in many countries since 1924. Around the year 2000, countries such as America and the UK started approving gay marriages, although not everyone agreed with this decision. Still in 2013, homosexuals are fighting for their right to get married to someone of their same sex. People against gay marriage feel that if it was to be legalized, the importance of marriage would fade away and some people would refer to marriage in a different way. According to an article from the Human Rights Campaign, there is nothing wrong with allowing homosexuals to have the same rights as those who are heterosexual. Every individual person should have equal rights, regardless of sexuality. Gay marriage should be legalized in all states and countries, as it has been held off for too long.

There are several reasons why homosexuals feel that they want to be married legally. One important reason is that they want to legally show their love for each other by having a marriage license. They are in love and want to spend their lives with a person of their same sex, but to do this officially they need the law to approve. Even though it is possible to do this without being married, “they want to honor their relationship in the greatest way our society has to offer”.
There is no reason why two people cannot get married because of their sexuality. If a man and woman get to marry because they love each other, why shouldn’t homosexuals, who are in love as well as heterosexual people, get married?

However, people may argue that there are other ways for same-sex couples to be legally tied together without getting married. One option would be by going through a civil union, although it is true that civil unions and marriages are totally different things. Apart from this, homosexual couples still wouldn’t have the freedom they want or the choice to go where they want to have a civil union. Many states are changing or have already changed their laws, therefore why can’t every country of the planet accept and legalize gay marriages? Ways have already begun to be altered amongst some countries and states, now it is time for the rest to follow and do the same.

Furthermore, another reason why same-sex couples should be allowed the right to marry is so they can have a chance to be happy like any other couple. If an individual is unable to marry the person they want, they will not be satisfied. All people “should be free to marry the person they love” and not have to change that. Homosexuals cannot ever “change” their sexuality, it is not a choice they can make. One does not become homosexual, one is born homosexual. So why not allow them to marry a person they truly care for and live the life they want, which would actually mean getting married.

On the other hand, although same-sex couples may want to get married for many reasons, there are still some important points as to why they shouldn’t be allowed to get married. One of the many controversial topics regarding same-sex marriage is that it goes against religious beliefs. It is true, though, that if two people of the same gender want to marry, it does not require any religions to make the ceremony take place. Also, people should think about divorce if thinking about marriages. Many people believe marriage is special and should occur when two people feel they are soul mates. On the contrary, most marriages end in divorce and a second marriage can often occur. This is going against religious beliefs as well.

Moreover, another point against same-sex marriage is that by allowing it, the idea of marriage is destroyed and made meaningless. Some even believe that it will make marrying somebody a “free for all”. This is not a supported statement though. Marriage is still going to be the highest way to be committed to another person and nothing can change that fact. Whether it is a heterosexual or homosexual couple wanting to marry, the intentions are for the same reason. Additionally, those who are against gay marriage strongly think that it ruins the idea of a family. It has been thought that a “family unit” includes a mother and father; however it does not state this anywhere in the definition of “family”. It is true that if a gay married couple adopt a child, this might grow with psychological problems and may feel different from other people and families.

In conclusion, nobody should have the right to determine what is considered to be right or wrong. Marriage makes a couple officially together; it does not affect anybody but them. Labels should not define love, and by not allowing same gender couple the right to marry is unfair and wrong. Everybody should have the right to choose what decisions to take in their lives, and to oppose to what they think is the correct thing to do is not fair.

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