Fin/ 370
Amy Grover
Team D
Mandy Levesque, Justin Bailey, Kristina Papas, Ben Demerdzhyan, Camron Weeden
Introduction Team D is going to assess the role of ethics compliance, and also describe the procedures and ethical behavior of Disney. Team D is also going to identify Disney’s processes they use to comply with the SEC regulations, as well evaluate and discuss financial performance and financial health.
Assess the role of ethics and compliance in your organization’s financial environment.
Ethics and Compliance are extremely important to the entire Disney Organization and are outlined in great detail. The company has made implemented ethic and compliance standards in relation to all employees as well as Board Directors to ensure that they’re financial environment is not ever compromised. By taking steps that ensure Directors are not misusing proprietary information to obtain financial gains illegally and compromising stockholders best interest. All Directors and Management are held accountable for their financial responsibilities to the company and to stockholders. Disney Company has taken steps to ensure there is an internal process that manages and gauges financial practices within the company. By using the internal process the company ensures that all documentation is accurate as far as reporting expenditures and income for the company. Internal audits are completed to ensure that all financial statements are in compliance with General Accounting Practices.
Describe procedures your organization has in place to ensure ethical behavior. Disney has taken great lengths to ensure they are practicing ethical behavior when it comes to their financial environment. Disney Company has a division that was created called Evaluation of Disclosure Controls and Procedures whose sole purpose is ensure that the company is following ethical behavior when reporting files within a timely manner as mandated by SEC