Bullying can occur just about everywhere: in any kind of school- poor or wealthy public or private, single-sex or co-education. It happens in outside in or outside the classroom in the workplace, and online Boys and girls are equal.
Cyber bullies: Individuals with no strong relationships that are immature who are involved with hate groups who have been bullied themselves cliques.
Just like bullies in the real world, cyber bullies get pleasure from tormenting their victims and the feeling of power from doing it. The reasons for their actions vary, but the end result is almost always the same for the victim: pain, hurt, broken confidence, and in the worst cases, death.
Why do people Bully?
Peer Pressure
Continuation of face to face.
Forms of Cyber Bullying could be:
Fake SNS
Forwarded images or messages
Hacked SNS or email accounts
Chat rooms / bash boards
Cyber Bullying Examples
They use profiles, e-mails, instant messaging, blogs, bulletin boards, chat rooms, photo and videophones, digital images posted online, text messaging and cell phones, handheld communication and gaming devices and Web sites.
They often pose as their victim doing things or saying things to get the target into trouble online.
They may even break-into their victim’s accounts by either misusing or guessing their passwords, and once there either spam their victim’s friends or sometimes even change the password locking the victim out of their own account so they can’t fix it.
They may use intimate details about other’s sexual activities preferences or relationships, post real or