
Zero Based Marketing Plan

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Zero Based Marketing Plan
Table of Contents
Executive Summary 2
1 Introduction 3
2 Segmentation and Targeting 3
2.1 Segmentation 3
2.1.1 Table 1 Market segmentation 4
2.2 Targeting 5
3 SWOT Analysis 6
3.1 Strengths 7
3.2 Weaknesses 7
3.3 Opportunities 7
3.4 Threats 8
4 Conclusion and recommendations 8
4.1 Marketing and communication objectives 8
4.1.1 Marketing objectives 8
4.1.2 Communication objectives 9
4.2 Recommendations 9
5 References 10

Executive Summary
The purpose of this report is to develop a zero-based marketing communication plan for Dasilver Inc, a company that is about to launch a new herbal tea based beverage in the South African market. The name of the brand is called Silver chamomile and honey bush tea. This will be new to the market because it is a blend of the two most popular herbs in the herbal tea market. This tea has benefits which include mental agility and alertness, general health booster, immune booster, reduces skin irritation and other medicinal advantages. This market will be segmented into three segments using demographics, psychographics, benefit sough and user rated segmentation bases. Then the target audience will include customers within the 21 to 35 age group, whom are open to new experiences and are innovators. These consumers are medium to heavy users of tea and are looking to reduce their weight, drink the tea for enjoyment and just for relaxation. The major SWOT analysis finding include that the herbal tea market still has some untapped segments such as the blended herbal tea. No such blend as the one being launched on the market exist with any competitors so this will be a competitive advantage for the brand. One of the major threats that exists is that there are major competitors that have been in the market for some time. The main marketing communications objectives are to gain a 10% market share from the 27% that remains untapped within the first year of the product being launched. Also have 65% of the target market made

References: Schiffman, L., Bednall, D., O 'Cass, A., Paladino, A., Ward, S., & Kanuk, L. (2007). Consumer behaviour (4th Ed.). Frenchs Forest, NSW: Pearson Education Australia. Schiffman, L., & Kanuk, L. (2000). Consumer Behaviour. New Jersey: Prentice Hall. Widing, R., Sheth, J., Puledran, S., Mittal, B., & Newman.B.I. (2003). Consumer Behaviour:Consumer Behaviour and Beyond (Pacific Rim Edition ed.). Victoria: Thompson. McDaniel, C., Lamb Jr, C., & Hair Jr, J. (2006). Introduction to Marketing (8th Edition ed.). Ohio: Thompson South Western. Gabbott, M. (2004). Introduction to Marketing . Australia: Pearson Education. Duncan, T. (2005). Principles of Advertising & IMC. New York: McGraw/Irwin. Raaiji, W., & Verhallen, M. (1994). Domain Specific Market Segmentation. Journal of European Marketing , 49-66. Accessed 07-08-2008

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