Include a brief overview of the general area of study within which your proposed research falls
Nowadays the only constant in the world especially in the business world are changes
And enhancements. And the key to the success and survival of the company is the Change Management.
But how we would able to know if the company is at risk and in need or desperately must Have a Change Management? Because we definitely need to consider several factors in change management. Like the current work processes, sales and Finance systems that we are using, our Organizational structure, how many headcounts FTE we are currently have, total Costs (variable and fixed) and ultimately the cost efficiency and many more to consider and in need to discuss before we need to implement the change management.
In the past 2-3 years I have been involved with the System changes and work migration from SUNs to Oracle system and from UK/HK to Manila process. As a project work –stream lead I’ve been heavily engage with the Accounts Receivable planning, process workflows, design, testing, implementation and training.
But how important are these changes with the company? How it will help the company’s performance? And do these changes will motivate the people?
The changes are caused by several aspects some of those are Managers and officers are bombarded with an almost constant stream of data every day this overload of data is making knowledge management increasingly more important. Three key reasons why actively managing knowledge is important to a company’s success are: 1.) Facilitates decision-making capabilities, 2.) Builds learning organizations by making learning routine, and, 3.) Stimulates cultural change and innovation.
But as part of Change