
Why students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets in school?

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Why students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets in school?
Our house, agrees on the motion that students should be allowed to bring electronic gadgets on school.
Electronic gadgets had been very influential matter to all of us. These gadgets though have been affecting many people not only how to communicate but also the way how to react to things. One of its advantages is that it’s convenient to carry and we could have information right away. According to Electronic gadgets are based on transistors and integrated circuits. Unlike the mechanical gadgets one needs a source of electric power to use it. The most common electronic gadgets include transistor radio, television, laptops, cell phones and the quartz watch. Why should we allow students to bring electronic gadgets? First of all, a simple quartz watch could mean a lot to a students. We really see no problem about a students having a watch in their wrist trying not being late in their next class.
Another, students today is more likely to have cellular phones with them because of communication purposes. Banning electronic gadgets mean does not allowing students to have mobile phones while traveling to and from the school. The time when we leave our campus, we are not anymore under the school’s control and responsibility. With this it is the parents’ right to make sure their daughter is safe so it is better to have contact with their child.
Since the main purpose of phones is to communicate, why not use this as an advantage? The fact that it is handy and could give information right away there are so many educational sites and applications available for students use, they should properly oriented on how to use the phone appropriately and for purpose. Cell phones are just gadgets which can be used for educational purposes; let’s not just look at them as communication tools because today they can do more than making calls. Today we have smart phones which can perform task done by a computer. We can use cell phones to have access to internet. From

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