
Why Is The American Dream Important

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Why Is The American Dream Important
The American dream is why there is equality all through America. It is why one can get an amazing education, have a job, marry whoever they want, and have children. It’s the reason why the United Sates has freedom! Everyone around the world wishes for the American dream because they do not have it like Americans do. Americans have no idea that they are living the American dream right now because it all comes to them naturally, and we can thank our Founding Fathers for that. People complain about our president and congress, without them the American dream would definitely not be possible. The main thing people believe the American dream is giving their kids a better life than they had. Even today, the American Dream still does exist because …show more content…
Anybody who lives in the United States has or had the chance to get a good education, get a well-paying job and start a family with whomever they want. This is what the American Dream consists of; being able to achieve your dreams in life. If you want to grow up and become famous or rich, the American Dream allows you to do that. The American Dream is waking up and able to put on whatever clothes you choose, go to the job you love and being able to love your life. “For a lot of people "The American Dream" is connected to becoming wealthy and the ability to achieve everything if one only works hard enough for it (From rags to riches). For others, it is much more and is beyond materialism. For them it is the dream of living a simple, happy and fulfilling life and the most important features being faith and equality. "The American Dream" also is about liberty and America being the country of unlimited opportunities.” ( Anyone in American can be anything if they set their mind to it. If one wants to be a brain surgeon it is most likely they will become a brain surgeon and rock at it. America is the land of opportunities because you can be anything, do anything, want anything and have anything. The American Dream has changed lives everywhere for the better. America the home of the free, allows for the American

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