
Why Is Romeo And Juliet Still Relevant Today

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Why Is Romeo And Juliet Still Relevant Today
Is Shakespeare’s World famous play tarnishing today’s teenager’s view on love? Or is it considered a valuable educational insight into the life of two star-crossed lovers whose immaturity and inexperience lead to tragedy. Although both views have near balanced arguments the educational views expressed, are seen to outweigh the criticised damaging views.
The general public – and students – often question the relevance of studying Shakespeare’s beloved play, Romeo and Juliet. Some argue that the themes presented in the theatrical novel are sending the wrong, outdated message to today’s youth whilst some believe it is still a valuable educational piece that still relates to modern society.
We are often reminded of the suicidal love tragedy between Romeo and Juliet, the “star-crossed” lovers who dispose of their lives simply because of the disapproval of their parents. While that is the case in Shakespeare’s most successful play, critics often get tunnel vision when it comes to their views, highlighting the two young lovers as mentally unfit and too young to be valuing their feelings towards one another. However there are an endless
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It doesn't matter if someone is your enemy, hates you, does you bad; if you love them, then a lot of the time, too much of the time, it doesn't matter anymore. It was the same with Romeo and Juliet - they were supposed enemies, blood enemies, Sought from a feud between 2 families’ generations in the past. But they saw each other and that didn't matter anymore. For their love was all too strong. Much of today’s society will agree and believe it’s about living the present and not holding grudges. The famous quote “you know my name, not my story” links into judging people by their character and personal qualities, not by their name or social

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