
Why Does The Constitution Guard Against Tyranny?

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Why Does The Constitution Guard Against Tyranny?
Have you ever thought of why we have a constitution? Well one reason is, it helps guard against tyranny. The constitution was made in 1787 by a group of 12 to 13 delegates who didn’t want one person or a group of people to get to much power. Some of the things in our constitution that help guard against tyranny are federalism, separation of power, big vs. small states and checks and balances.

Federalism guards against tyranny because the states and central government have power they control and power they share. Sharing the more difficult decisions they have to make helps because it keeps the votes and agreements fair. Furthermore this keeps the states or the central government from gaining too much power. Also the states and central government have power they can control, having power they can control helps because it separates the power, making it harder for one group to take control
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For example the legislative wants to pass a law; they have to approve it with the executive branch before they can do anything. Also each of the three groups has a special job and when they want to do something they have to check it with someone higher up, so they don't make bad decisions that will start an argument or something of that sort. Although I can see how people would think one group has more power than the other or more important tasks than the other. But if we didn’t have this system then the whole government would fall apart. In other words someone might mess up and start something they didn’t want to start in the first

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