
Why Did God Choose Me To Have Seizures?

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Why Did God Choose Me To Have Seizures?
I have chosen the topic Seizures for my essay because I believe people need to understand this condition and find a cure! I started having seizures February 4th, 2010 and it forever changed my life. I have always lived and breathed baseball. When my seizures started, they came out of nowhere. It was scary, frustrating and I couldn’t understand why it had to happen to me. I spent several days in the hospital and they diagnosed me with Cortical Dysplasia which is basically a neurological disorder. They started me on Epileptic medication right away to control the brain activity. I was in the hospital from Thursday to Saturday. It was the worst time of my life. I was depressed and thought my life would never be the same and I
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Now that I was on medication, my balance was off and things that came so naturally to me before did not come so natural anymore. I basically had to re-train my body how to play baseball. What came so naturally prior to my seizures, no longer did. This was life changing and I felt as though I would never be able to play at the level I was used to. It made me sad, frustrated and depressed. I had asked my mom, “Why did God choose me to have seizures?” My mom said “God has given you this challenge because he knows that you are strong, you will overcome this and you are going to help change lives for other people battling epilepsy and show them that life does not have to stop”. At that time, I had two choices. I could give up and allow Epilepsy to take over or I could make the decision to not let Epilepsy win and fight it until the end. I was not going to allow this to defeat me or change my dreams of being a baseball player. It took me about six months to feel “Normal” again on the baseball field. It was not easy, it was a rollercoaster ride! I had good days and bad however, I had to appreciate the good days rather than dwell on the bad. I had to remain positive and determined …show more content…
Seizures can happen for many different reasons such as diabetes or a heart condition. “There are over 40 different types of seizures below are 6 categories that are Grand Mal or Generalized tonic-colonic which is unconsciousness, convulsions and muscle rigidity” (Epilepsy society, 1). A second type is absence which is brief loss of consciousness. A third type is myoclonic which is sporadic, isolated, jerking movements. A fourth type is colonic which is repetitive, jerking movements. A fifth type is tonic which is muscle stiffness and rigidity. The sixth type is atonic which a loss of muscle tone is. “Epilepsy does not have any definitive answers or a simple reference guide to refer to in an attempt to diagnose which type you have.”(Web Md, 1). It is a process since there are over 40 different types an individual can experience. It is important to start a medical journal to record any and all information about your seizures. When you are tracking your activity the goal is to figure out what the trigger may be. Items that you should try to remember when keeping notes in your medical journal for reference are the following: Was there a trigger that set off the seizure example did you feel tired, hungry or unwell? Did you have any warnings that the seizure was going to happen? Did your mod change for example were you excited, anxious or quiet? Did you notice any unusual sensations such as an odd smell or taste or a pit feeling

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