
Why Did David Survived Auschwitz

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Why Did David Survived Auschwitz
This was a troubling and confusing time for the Jews. Times of despair. Persecution. Extermination. Hopelessness. The Holocaust left an irreversible imprint on a race and individual scaring. Ones of those who survived the terrible suffering was David Klipp. David survived Auschwitz while he lost his sister and mother but still had the power to push through. Upon arriving at Auschwitz and before he arrived he thought he was going to be killed. When David arrived at Auschwitz he sister and mother were immediately sent to the gas chambers were David never saw either of them again. Since David was a young man he went to work in the camps manufacturing plant. David was a very intelligent man and knew how to run and work on all of the machines. After a few months of working in the plants David was sent into a room of Nazis that worked at the camp and discussed the opportunity to be the head of the manufacturing plant. He agreed to the job and for the rest of the time at Auschwitz he did his job until him and 18 others were taken by truck to the Nazi training headquarters where …show more content…
He believed that he was going to be killed. Everything he had seen pointed towards the direction or darkness. From people being thrown on buses and being acted toward like they are a filthy pig. Then being crammed into cattle trains where they got limited food and occasionally a water hose sprayed into the trains. Bodies falling out of the trains when they finally arrived to their camp. The hopeless despair of the screaming of people trying to find their loved ones. For David it was months of death looking over his shoulder waiting to tap him on his head but never getting the chance. Anything could have killed. The gas chambers, to starvation and dehydration, emotional distress a or simply the guards shooting at him. But no. David Klipp persevered some of the worst pain and loneliness that a human race has gone

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