History is moments. Within these precious moments, there comes a time and a place for a leader to rise and break the mold of all who came before them. In America, the President of the United States is one of the most highly esteemed positions of power. But what people often forget is that behind every good man, besides some scotch, stands a great woman. Betty Ford was a leader because she was not afraid to be honest with the public and help instill positive changes in their lives. She made people feel comfortable with who they were, imperfections and all. Betty Ford became more of a section in a history book than she ever dreamed, or hoped for. She became an inspiration, a role model, …show more content…
“Some people believed that the expression of Betty’s liberal opinion was inappropriate for her position. Many others rallied behind her and her popularity rose” (“Betty” 2). Many people believed she was too outspoken and thought she caused problems for her husband’s presidency, but that did not stop her. More than half of the nation found her appealing and approved of what she did (“Betty” 2). Betty Ford was also a symbol of change for the people. She was a strong believer in woman having the right to make their own choices, such as abortion and other decisions that affect their …show more content…
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