The Black Death was a historical event that took place in Europe from 1346 - 1353. The causes of the Black Death included people from Asia travelled to Europe, the cycle of fleas and rats and conditions in Europe from 1346. The consequences of the Black Death included social, economic and political.
The first cause of the Black Plague was people from Asia travelled to Europe. The people from Asia that travelled to Europe brought the Black Plague with them and it spread very quickly. The people were probably from Mongolia, they travelled through the Black Sea to Messina in Italy on October 1346.
The second cause of the Black Plague was the cycle of fleas and rats. The cycle is fleas sucking the rats blood that carries bacteria then the fleas gut gets clogged with the bacteria, so the fleas bite the humans the blood goes into the humans wound and then the humans are infected.The living conditions were bad because it was very filthy, so there were …show more content…
Some of the unhygienic conditions were that it was dirty pretty much everywhere and outside animals slept inside with their owners. They didn't wash themselves for several days.
The Black Death is a disease, there are three types the bubonic, the pneumonic and the septicaemic. Some of the symptoms of the bubonic plague are buboes under the armpits and black blotches app on the skin from internal bleeding. Some of the pneumonic plague symptoms are infection in the lungs and sharp chest pains. The septicaemic plague symptoms are infection in the blood stream and delirium. The Black Death took place in Europe it started in 1346 and end in 1353, the Black Death killed 25,000,000 - 50,000,000 people.
The first consequence of the Black Death was social. Social consequences effect people, families, communities and society. The feudal system collapsed peasants could leave their village to find work, land and freedom