
Whaling Persuasive Research Paper

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Whaling Persuasive Research Paper
Imagine that you are at soccer practice, a few days before a game. You sprain your ankle in the middle of drills, and you have to sit out for the rest of practice with ice. When you go home that night, your ankle is puffy and you can barely walk on it. Even though you are in tremendous pain, you still play at the game that you did not want to miss. Does this make sense? It is common sense to stop doing something if there is already a problem. You do not want to make it worse. In Japan, people catch and kill whale species that are already endangered. While some people believe that this is perfectly ok, whaling needs to be stopped because some whales are endangered and whale meat is not even used anymore.
My first reason is that whales are endangered.
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One of Japan’s excuse for whaling is that it is for “science purposes”. First of all, that excuse for whaling has been proven a lie. Scientists say that Japan’s whaling program is absolutely unscientific. According to International Student Volunteers, whaling is when whales are being harvested of meat, oil, and other products. Whale meat is not used as much as it was after World War 2. In an article from The Sydney Morning Herald called Deep fears drive Japanese whaling, it claims that, “Nor does Japan, a highly developed First World nation, have any need to supplement its supplies of protein with whale meat as it did in the dark days that followed the Second World War. Environmental groups such as Sea Shepherd point out that Japan now holds thousands of tonnes of whale in cold storage.” (Watson 1). This demonstrates that whale meat is not needed if it is just being put into storages. Therefore, whaling is not necessary. In an article from Treehugger called 18% of Grade Schools in Japan Feed Whale to Kids, it explains that nobody wants to buy the whale meat, so the solution was to sell it to schools in Japan. According to the text, it says, “While there's certainly a place for whales in grade schools -- it should be in the students' imagination, not their stomachs.” (Messenger 1). This quote demonstrates that there is no place for whale

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