
Were The 1920s An Era Of Social And Cultural Rebellion?

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Were The 1920s An Era Of Social And Cultural Rebellion?
Were the 1920s an Era of Social and Cultural Rebellion? Gilman M. Ostrander believes that the 1920s were in fact an era of rebellion. He bases one of his opinions on the flapper, which was a “new” kind of woman in the 1920s. These women’s skirts went from going all the way down to the ankles to now at the knee. The women also began to be more involved in jazz music and acting in a more sexual way than before. Ostrander states, “In sex as in other matters the girls were determined to demolish the double standard” (208). By women rebelling against standards made by society, it opened more changes to come in America like birth control. Birth control became a wanted thing by women because it was unfair that they could not control how many children they had which also caused danger for the mother due …show more content…
Another opinion Ostrander believes it was an of rebellion was because of prohibition as people began to hide and sell alcohol. Ostrander states, “Only during the first year of the experiment of Prohibition even moderately successful. Then it absolutely collapse. Systems were perfected for smuggling, moonshining and bootlegging (210). One last opinion was the invention of automobiles and the impact it had on American morals. Ostrander states, “The automobile had replaced the house as the chief status symbol in the community, and car-owners declared themselves willing to go without food decent clothing rather than give up their automobiles (212). The car was also seen as a “sex get-away” car that made it easier for people to have sex secretly which again went against all morals and

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