Tao and his friends, Matt and Bluey, are kicking a football in the street when it goes into the front yard of Mr. Petrovic. Matt sends Bluey to get it. Mr. Petrovic sees him and shouts at him so the boys all flee. Over the course of several weeks, Matt leads Tao and Bluey in harassing Mr. Petrovic due to Matt's insistence that he has to "…be Got Back"( Bowles, 1997, p.8). They turn off the water when he is in the shower, arrange for a load of firewood to be dumped in his driveway and ride their skateboards through his rose garden before Matt and Bluey use scissors to vandalise Mr Petrovic's rose garden. Against his better judgment, Tao goes along with most of these schemes because he is afraid of being left out of their gang. Tao looks up to his friend Matt who he sees as "Really cool" (Bowles, 1997, p.2) however, Matt does several things that show him as a coward. Tao bends to the peer pressure from Matt regularly even when he knows what they are doing is wrong. Tao begins to
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