HItler once said “Through clever and constant application of propaganda, people can be made to see paradise as hell and also the other way around to consider the most wretched sort of life as paradise”. Propaganda can become very dangerous depending on who is using it and what their intentions are. In Animal Farm there is a manipulative dictator named Napoleon, he uses propaganda to gain power over the other animals. He makes hell look like paradise by using propaganda and changing the mindset of the animals. In Animal Farm, George Orwell portrays that using public speaking to spread propaganda to others will result in power over those being manipulated. One who has a persuasive sidekick, redesigns laws, and changes important influences will achieve greater power.
Squealer, a fellow pig is used to convince and manipulate the animals into believing Napoleon lies with the use of propaganda. Towards the beginning of …show more content…
Napoleon bans the singing of the rebellions anthem, “Beasts of England”. Napoleon reasoned “Beasts of England was the song of the rebellion. But the rebellion is now complete” (88). Napoleon does this because he doesn't want to animals to remember that life was much happier at the beginning of the rebellion, Napoleon wants to keep his power. Later on, Napoleon removes the hoof and horn from the animals farm flag. He leaves the green table clothes and states that it would be their new flag. He does this because he is trying to get rid of animalism, which is the animal's government. Then, Napoleon changes the farm's name from “Animal Farm” to “The Manor Farm”. This is somewhat ironic considering that the farm's name was manor farm before the rebellion. Banning many large influences to the animal rebellion helps napoleon gain power. Banning these influences forces the animal to forget the past and only focus on the present and future of the