
“Up and Down, Up and Down – That Is How Temperature and Climate Have Always Gone in the Past and There Is No Proof They Are Not Still Doing Exactly the Same Now. in Other Words, Climate Change Is an Entirely Natural

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“Up and Down, Up and Down – That Is How Temperature and Climate Have Always Gone in the Past and There Is No Proof They Are Not Still Doing Exactly the Same Now. in Other Words, Climate Change Is an Entirely Natural
“Up and down, up and down – that is how temperature and climate have always gone in the past and there is no proof they are not still doing exactly the same now. In other words, climate change is an entirely natural phenomenon, nothing to do with the burning of fossil fuels” (David Bellamy). To what extent do you agree with this statement?

The idea of climate change, for many, is an opinionated subject with much discussion of whether it is a real issue or just a natural phenomenon. However in recent years it is clear to see that trends in the Earth’s climate and surface temperature has spiked to levels never seen before. Despite all the evidence of the high levels of greenhouses gases and the rise in temperature, many still believe that there is no connection between the two, and that the Earth is just going through its natural cycle.
Over the last century global temperatures have increased rapidly, and this period has been called global warming. However many have disputed how this rapid increase in the change in the temperature have been brought about. There is a general agreement among scientists that the changes in the climate over the last century are as a result of human activities. They have reached this consensus as they have been able to link the sudden change in rate of the temperature increase to the development of industrial activities beginning with the industrial revolution. The industrial activities that our modern civilisation depends upon have raised atmospheric carbon dioxide levels causing a rise in the amount of greenhouse gases that insulate the Earth. These extra emissions of greenhouse gases have led to a thicker layer of greenhouse gases present in the Earth’s atmosphere. The main causes of this rise in greenhouse gas emission are fossil fuels. The burning of these fossil fuels has allowed us to develop, both economically and technologically, which in turn has enabled us to advance as a civilisation. However the use of these fossil fuels has

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