In general, human beings like to live with other human beings. Most of us are sociable creatures who want to reach out to other people around us. Very few humans lead completely solitary lives.
People also communicate for specific reasons; in order to express
Emotions such as:
• Fear
• Anger
• Pain
• Joy
• Love.
People want to get views, wishes and information across to others for all kinds of reasons. Sometimes this can be essential – even life saving in the case of a warning. It can be vital to make a person’s quality of life
Better if they are communicating that they are in pain or it can be to make
Emotional contact with others to express feelings.
People live and communicate within a range of different groups and
Communities, including:
• Families
• Neighborhoods
• Workplaces
• Schools and colleges.
The nature of communication is very different dependent on the Circumstances. Some communications are personal and very intimate; these are usually with people to whom we are very close.
Other communications are for a wider audience and are aimed at groups of people. Communication can be formal, such as in a courtroom setting, or informal, such as friends chatting.
2… Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting.
Effective communication is a two-way process - sending the right message that is also being correctly received and understood by the other person/s. It is essential that there is good and effective communication taking place within the work setting. Daily tasks will only be successful with smooth transfers of information. In order for me to develop within my role, there must be effective communication between the children and myself. This will help keep positive morale and improve the quality of work. People that do not feel as if they have good communication with their carers may not be as efficient with their work. Effective communication skills are