The creation of a play about Uncle Tom’s Cabin and violent slavery could very quickly turn into intense irony. According to D.C. playwright Gwydion Suilebhan who pulled information from 62 area theatres in 2013-14, 85% of 221 shows performed in that season were written by white playwrights, and only 5% by African American playwrights (Tran 8). White Americans spent hundreds of years profiting off of African-American’s hard work, and it makes me uneasy to consider that if a play were to be written based on Uncle Tom’s Cabin, there’s an 85% chance the writer of that play would be white. And it certainly wouldn’t be the first time a director or playwright cashed in on the tragedy of a minority group they were not a part of; the aforementioned film The Stranger was about the Holocaust yet director Orson Welles was not Jewish (Brady 576). This is certainly not for a lack of availability of Jewish directors, as goes for every play or movie based on widespread trauma experienced by a minority group directed or written by someone not part of that minority group. There is something to be said for Welles giving Jewish people a voice when they were violently oppressed, just as Harriet Beecher Stowe gave African-American slaves a voice they previously were not allowed to use. But in …show more content…
Harriet Beecher Stowe was fairly graphic in her novel, for example, “…Henrique struck him across the face with his riding-whip, and, seizing one of his arms, forced him to his knees, and beat him till he was out of breath.” (Stowe 23). It’s important that the message of the overall show highlights the struggles African-Americans were able to overcome, and therefore necessary to show just how severe the abuse was. Being white, I truly do not have an answer as to how the director should go about this. It is not a question I am qualified to answer or comment on. I believe with research and interviews conducted by the director and playwright, a middle ground would be possible.
Current events have made it clear that the attitudes and actions depicted in Uncle Tom’s Cabin still profoundly affect our society today. A staged production of Uncle Tom’s Cabin would help modern audiences to understand just where these ideas came from, and how deeply internalized and institutionalized racism runs. The themes of slavery, violence, and religion in Uncle Tom’s Cabin are still highly relevant today, and the discussion that could presumably be opened through a dramatization of this historic novel could be very beneficial to the fight against racism that still exists