“The story of Tom Brennan” explores through a first person outlook Tom Brennan’s life as he depicts a horrific Accident and the influence of life past the accident. Throughout the novel Tom is forced to change his entire life as his beloved town, school and rugby team associate the Brennan name with the waste that occurred due to his brother’s poor judgment.
“Burke” uses many themes throughout “Tom Brennan”, Possibly the most prominent is the fear of what lies ahead. As Tom moves to an unfamiliar town and enters a new school unsure of what his new classmates have heard about him and his family. “The old man’d told me last night that Harvey (home room teacher) knew about the accident and Daniel and stuff. I didn’t feel comfortable about it,” This conveys the …show more content…
This song gives the story of one young man who through the outbreak of war takes a new path which ultimately leads him to Vietnam fighting for his country. As is “the story of Tom Brennan” the main character experiences a fear of what lies ahead but rather than the clique fear of death and destruction which the character seems reasonably naive to it is rather a fear of the ramifications and aftermaths of an event that changes the young mans life for ever. “And I can still hear Frankie, lying screaming in the