‘To what extent do you think it is possible for leaders to manipulate organisational culture to achieve improved performance? Support your answer with examples from one or more organisations with which you are familiar’
3777 words
Organisational culture, which is defined by Handy (1993) as the concepts and ideas which govern the behaviour of people and organisations, has a significant impact on the effectiveness of an organisation. Handy listed over sixty different variables which contribute towards an organisation’s culture including the style of leadership evident, the systems and structures which support the organisation and how the different sub groups within the organisation relate and work with each other. He felt that analysis and thorough understanding of an organisation’s culture could inform management decisions and make leadership more effective by taking into consideration both the environment in which people operated (physical, financial and technological) and the roles, motivations, ability and individuals who understood the work (Handy 1993). Mullins (2007) identifies a leader as someone who focuses on the long-term goals strategically planning for the future with а vision inspiring others to help achieve that goal. It could be surmised that if it was possible for a leader to manipulate organisational culture they could in turn achieve improved performance. This essay will investigate this concept, considering the possibility within the context of Nexen Inc, Canadian based oil and gas company’s operations in Yemen, where the author currently is employed. Firstly organisational culture will be defined and the formal and informal organisational culture of Nexen will be evaluated. The essay will then go on to consider how these cultures impact on security and will assess the importance of culture within this environment. The essay will then explore if, in the case of Nexen, cultural changes can be
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