
Theme Of Corruption In Hamlet

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Theme Of Corruption In Hamlet
Have you ever been betrayed? Have you ever seen someone corrupted from greed? The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is a twisted tale, full of many twists and confusing turns. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark is packed to the very top with: disease, corruption, and treason.
There is no actual physical disease in Denmark. However William Shakespeare left plenty of imagery for the reader to think so. Shakespeare did this to “reinforce the central idea that Denmark is dying”(Mabillard) and the new king is spreading a disease that doesn't exist, which is slowly killing Denmark. One might also say that the royal family is the cause, or other outside forces are affecting Denmark. Shakespeare gives us imagery like “If the sun breed maggots in a dead dog”(2.2 173-174) showing us that maybe Denmark was dying long before the new king. Possibly the old king or even young Prince Hamlet or maybe it was the citizens of Denmark were the ones that caused all of the chaos. Could Fortinbras have planned this the whole time? Perhaps the whole royal family was the cause of the corruption.
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Young Prince Hamlet’s obsession brought out the worst in people, and once the worst was out there was no unseeing what he had seen. Young Prince Hamlet’s thinking could have possibly even showed the corruption he brought upon Denmark. After so much thinking “Hamlet himself is a victim of a deep melancholy”(Mabillard) revealing after so much thought, he possibly realized what he and the royal family had brought to Denmark. Even the guardsman Marcellus said “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark”(1.4 95) revealing he knew something was going on, or something was about to start. Young Prince Hamlet himself was corrupt; he just didn't show it. It was not until the end young Prince Hamlet realized what was happening and saw the treason. But by the time young Prince Hamlet had seen the truth it was too late and he had to do something or Denmark would

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