Cited: Angelou, Maya. “Africa”. Literature; Reading, Reacting, Writing. Ed. Laurie Krisner and Stephen Mandell. Boston: Thompson Heine, 2001. 995-996. Print…
How would one feel if one were violently taken from home to a backwards place one would never understand? Aminata experienced these events first hand, which she conveys in her memoir. In this story The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill, she tells the story of her life. From how she was taken from her village of Bayo in Africa, where she enjoyed freedom, lived with dignity, and shipped across the 'big river’, as a slave, to the thirteen colonies now known as the United States America. Aminata experiences grief and hardship, Anger and joy, and a fiery determination to get back home. In this compelling story, Aminata grows in various ways as she deals with slavery, discrimination, and the loss of her family.…
First of all, the diction in this poem is vernacular. The language that this poem is written in is Creole because the author is in fact a Jamaican. This style of writing or language affects the theme greatly. For it does not only explain how stereotyping is in this culture but it transfers on to other cultures as well. This includes the author’s image of it affecting all the educated and uneducated people of Jamaica. Stereotyping is not only present in Jamaica, or only with the low class or the high class. It is present everywhere and the fact that the words in this poem are Creole inflect this message on the reader.…
He wants people to appreciate the diversity in culture of each African country, but “your reader doesn’t care about all that, so keep your descriptions romantic and evocative and unparticular” (Wainaina 543). Wainaina wants people to reject not only generalizations about Africa, but the inevitable appropriation and fetishization of the cultures that follow. In a sense, the satirical angle of the text makes us feel uncomfortable because it points out what we as a western society have done wrong to represent a large population. Wainaina wants us to understand that the lives of those in Africa are not to become our sob stories or our life stories, that we should not be the saviors or the revealers of a…
In the time of 1892-1975, The continent of Africa was struggling with imperialist aggression, military invasions and eventually colonisation. Many countries within Africa were occupied by other, more powerful, countries. This impacted the social effect placed on the indigenous people of africa. For…
In the novel Segu, Maryse Conde beautifully constructs personal and in depth images of African history through the use of four main characters that depict the struggles and importance of family in what is now present day Mali. These four characters and also brothers, by the names of Tiekoro, Siga, Naba, and Malobali are faced with a world changing around their beloved city of Bambara with new customs of the Islamic religion and the developing ideas of European commerce and slave trade. These new expansions in Africa become stepping stones for the Troare brothers to face head on and they have brought both victory and heartache for them and their family. These four characters are centralized throughout this novel because they provide the reader with an inside account of what life is like during a time where traditional Africa begins to change due to the forceful injection of conquering settlers and religions. This creates a split between family members, a mixing of cultures, and the loss of one’s traditions in the Bambara society which is a reflection of the changes that occur in societies across the world. The novel immediately projects the fear and misunderstanding felt by the people of Bambara due to the unexpected early changes that are taking place in Africa. “A white man...There’s a white man on the bank of the Joliba” is exclaimed by Dousika’s pregnant wife Sira (Conde 5). The family is instantly struck with a curious mind but also one that is uneasy. The sight of this white man causes great despair already for the man of the house Dousika: “White men come and live in Segu among the Bambara? It seemed impossible, whether they were friends or enemies!”(Conde 10). The unexpected appearance of this white man marks the beginning of anguish for Dousika and his four sons, especially for Dousika at first for he is embarrassed by the council due to this stranger’s intrusion. This white…
In the exposition of The Book of Negroes one does not realize the amount of emotional turmoil the African people are about to face. At first glance the village of Bayo seems to be a felicitous place to live. People were working, children playing; life was normal to them. Aminata, the main character in this story, describes hers and others pain intentensively, “I lived in terror that the captors would beat us, boil us and eat us, but they began with humiliation: they tore our clothes off our backs.” (pg.29) Not once did the captors show any regard for these people, “As I began my long march from home, I discovered that there were people in the world who didn’t know me, didn’t love me and didn’t care whether I lived or died.” (pg. 29) They were treated no differently that rapid animals. Children were forced to grow up faster than they should have. They were forced to do a man’s work load, and think quickly to avoid being beaten. There is a sincere feeling of pathos for every last person who lost everything and were treated so poorly. People were separated from family and sometimes friends. Aminata first had her son taken away and sold by one of her masters, “My heart and body were screaming for Mamadu. But my baby was gone. Sold, sold, sold. Appleby would not say where.” (pg.184) Years later she suffered the loss of her daughter, who was stolen by the family whom she was working for. Even when they felt…
DT14.N48 2008 325.6—dc22 2008044278 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 For Sonia Sanchez, Amiri Baraka, Ntongela Masilela, Haunani-Kay Trask, Michael Neill, Tim Reiss, and Pat Hilden And in memory of the late Ngũgĩ wa Mĩriĩ, Apollo Njonjo, Kĩmani Roki, and Ime Ikiddeh This page intentionally left blank C ONTENTS Preface ix CHAPTER 1 CHAPTER 2 CHAPTER 3 CHAPTER 4 Dismembering Practices: Planting European Memory in Africa Re-Membering Visions Memory, Restoration, and African Renaissance From Color to Social Consciousness: South Africa in the Black Imagination Acknowledgments 133…
Both figures in this stage remain faceless, yet the distinction between the two is clearly visible, specifically in their attire, however, what is more intriguing about this moment is the steadiness in the body of the African. The dominant narrative constructed by Eurocentric viewpoints depicts Africans as a placeless people, void of civilization, in need of and even inviting a chance to be refined. Still, the body language of the African tells a different story. There is a sense of control, an exertion of identity and comfortability within the space in which she stands. The control over her body denotes a sense of place; an ownership and relationship to the land that unsettles the historical narrative of the African as one without a symbolic home. Additionally, the deeply intricate power dynamic between the two figures also signifies the defiance of the African and the trickery of the colonizer. The African is not willingly placing her body in a relaxed position for the colonizer; instead, she is sturdy, commanding and nonconformist. Therefore, the water directly behind her body indicates the other tactics used in order to enslave her. The rising of the water is representative of the inflated white male ego that…
Throughout the first part of the book, The African Past, the purpose is to look at African history through the eyes of many Africans and to learn about and appreciate it. The reader immediately learns about how Ghana controlled the trade and how Ghana’s wealth derived from gold and was though of as the middleman. Ghana’s name was an inspiration for the future. Next, we learned about Mansa Manu, who became more powerful than Sundiata had and established himself as an exceptional administrator. Once he passed, Mali had become one of the largest and richest empires in the world. Also, Aksum was a significant part of African history because it was one of the few African states that developed its own written language; Historians have been able to learn the “advanced form of agriculture practiced by the early Ethiopians” because of this (67). Through the second part, The Coming of the European, the reader discovers about personal horrors produced by the slave trade and the economic and social effects it had on Africa. Slaves were examined and embarrassed by having to strip naked while judged into categorizations of “good” or “bad”. The trade robbed the continent of more than fifteen million of its strongest men and women and Africans started turning against each other because they believed it was the only way to survive. During part three of the book, The Colonial Experience…
As a male writer, Laurence Hill perfectly describes everything from a girl’s perspective. She was one of three thousands slaves that were transfer from West Africa to America since 1700s. Among those three thousand lives, every single one had their own story, their lifetime long stories, and different ones. However, Aminata’s story was no doubt a particular one, a splendid one,…
As the book begins, Mariatu is a happy little girl growing up in Magborou, a village of 200 near Port Loko, Sierra Leone. The first chapter teaches the reader about life in extended families where children may grow up under the care of relatives, men may have two or more wives and several generations live and work together. Mariatu tells us about her friends, her attraction to a possible boyfriend, Musa, her hopes of going to school one day, and her scary dream of standing in palm oil, a signifier of bad things to come. We learn about village life from preparations for a funeral, rotating crops of cassava and rice, dances, secret societies, and a child's daily chores of carrying water and collecting firewood.…
Ngugi wa Thiongo (1986), ‘The language of African literature in Decolonizing the Mind.London: James Currey.4,8,28. Reprinted in the Academic Learning English Manual, University of Kwa Zulu Natal, Durban (2010) , pp 26-27.…
Nevertheless, one has to consider that living in a time when black Africans were subjected to the inequalities of colonial rule many Africans saw the English as a key. The same point was stated in the columns of Imvo Zabantsundu (An Xhosa/English weekly newspaper) that without English, blacks would have “remain[ed] one of the uneducated, living in the miserably small world of Boer ideals, or those of the untaught natives” (Willan, 1984: 36). South Africa was ruled by the English and Plaatje recognized that he could never change anything for his people or himself “without the command of English” (Willan, 1984: 36). So black artists and writers alike took their missionary-based education and used it to express the black experience, and whether it was a biography, an historical account, a work of fiction of poetry, “[was] not so important. What [was] of vital importance [was] that the black artists, in particular, should understand he ha[d] a purpose” (Mutloatse, 1980: 1). English became a weapon to fight against colonialism; its exploitation, oppression and racism. To say, however, that Plaatje was an ‘imitator of whites’ because he mimicked the…
In the following essay, I will be analysing the poem When the first slave was brought to the Cape written by Shabbir Banoobhai in 1998. Shabbir Banoobhai is a South African poet. He was born in in 1949 in Durban. Shabbir Banoobhai’s poetry is spiritual, political and personal and he has written about both personal and South African social issues, from a Muslim perspective. Shabbir was part of apartheid and he shared the same fate as the larger black community of South Africans and his poetry reflects on the struggles the faced. ("Shabbir Banoobhai." KZN Literary Tourism)…