
The Ways We Lie Argument Essay

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The Ways We Lie Argument Essay
Lies have been around for as long as people have been. We all lie, whether it is to protect someone we love of to cover up something we don’t want others to know about, it is still lying, and we all do it everyday. Lying has become the new normal for our modern society, so much so, that some of us have lost our morals completely. It is just so much easier and quicker to just lie to someone than to tell the truth, and now you can never tell who is lying to you or who is telling the truth. People use to have morals about lying and many people would feel bad about it and teach their children to never lie, but now in today’s society they just pop out of our mouths like they're nothing. We will never stop lying because it’s easier to live a lie than it is to tell the truth, because the truth might come with consequences, but so does lying. Most of the time it is easier to tell a lie than it is to tell the truth and there is no way that we will ever completely eliminate lying from our society, because it does make our lives so much easier. Sometimes though lying can come with consequences, and it can backfire when someone discovers that you lied. Lying can cause a situation to become worse than it would have been if the truth had been told. Take James Frey for an example. He wrote an autobiography called A Million Little Pieces and the book was featured on Oprah and put on her book club list. After a while it was discovered that parts of his autobiography were not real and he was humiliated on a national level. If he had told the truth then his book could have still been published, but as a fictional story, and he could have still been a successful author and had a bestselling book. You should always be careful with the lies you tell and who you tell them to because there’s always a chance that someone will find out and then you would be in trouble. We have become a gullible nation where we will believe that most of the stuff that is told to us is the truth. Think

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