Surely, everyone must hate inefficiency and lies? What is more dishonest and inefficient than the TSA? TSA stands for Transport Security Administration. Most people are familiar with their airline security checks. When people travel on planes, they will have to go through the routine of waiting in lines so they can take off their shoes, get their luggage scanned, and go through metal detectors. This seems like a fair way to prevent terrorist attacks. We should, however, eliminate the TSA because of its many unfortunate problems.
One reason that we should remove the TSA is because they are dreadful at their job. Justin Fishel (2015), a writer of ABC News, claims that Homeland Security tested the TSA security by smuggling …show more content…
Security theater means creating the illusion of security. For example, in an article by Bruce Schneier (2009), he reports that in the months after 9/11, National Guard Troops were stationed at airports, however, their guns did not have bullets (p. 1). One could suppose that having National Guard Troops stationed could scare terrorists, but what if a terrorist tried to attack them? The National Guard Troops would not be able to shoot them without bullets. Since there were not any bullets in the guns, then they did not intend to keep people safe if a threat arised. They tried to look as if they were keeping people safe. This instance is a perfect example of security theater. The deceitful practices of security theater can also be seen through experiences of people like Jeffrey Goldberg. Goldberg is a man who has experience with reporting terrorists. He also managed to sneak past many items through airline security that he should not have been able to do so. Goldberg (2008) recalls that due to his past with reporting terrorists, he has a collection of al-Qaeda T-shirts, Islamic Jihad flags, Hezbollah videotapes, and inflatable Yasir Arafat dolls. He managed to carry these items through various airport securities. In one screening, however, the TSA only took a pair of nail clippers, and in another screening, they took a can of shaving cream (p.1). Why would the TSA even take nail clippers? Yes, one could cut people with nail clippers, but even then, terrorists would probably try to hurt people with more dangerous items, would they not? Obviously, having a collection of Al-Qaeda T-shirts should make anyone seem suspicious, yet the TSA let him through. This shows that the TSA is bad at its job. They are just there for show. Goldberg (2008) also claims that the training for a TSA officer is about a week (p. 1). If the TSA is supposed to stop threatening terrorist,