Process blood and form urine as a waste to be excreted. Eliminating toxins, metabolic wastes excess ions from blood. Regulation of blood volume and…
The kidneys are important regulators of homeostasis in the body. They regulate ions and pH as well as water. In addition,…
Kidneys are complex organs that are very important when it comes to the many functions to help maintain the health of the body. This includes the maturation of the red blood cells, regulation of blood pressure as well as secretion of hormones. The Secondary functions of the filtration effect the controlling of the acid base balance in the body, and maintaining bone health (…
Relating this back to the kidneys, they perform these jobs (for example, the reabsorption of products as I mentioned above) by regulating acid-base balance, electrolytes and water. They also remove the waste products of metabolism, for example: the final products from the haemoglobin breaking down, urea from extra amino acids, “creatinine from creatine in muscle and uric acid from nucleic acids” as stated by (Stretch p174). In addition, they remove unnecessary chemicals from the blood, for example toxins, pesticides, drugs and food additives. Last of all, they secrete a hormone that manages the production of renin and blood cells. This is known as erythropoietin which has an effect of blood pressure.…
Water is obtained from food, drink, and from reactions that occur in the body. The kidneys process and balance the amount of water that enters your system with the amount that is released. The digestive system helps rid the body of solid wastes, but some of the wastes in the blood are the remnants of the digestion of food products. For example, when amino acids are broken down by the body, ammonia (NH3) is formed. This product is so toxic that only small amounts can be tolerated by the body. The liver steps in and helps convert this poison to urea, a safer version of this waste product that can be easily removed in urine.…
Aldosterone is a hormone that causes the renal tubules to reclaim sodium ions from the filtrate.…
List at least 4 functions of the Urinary System. Filter blood to allow toxins, metabolic wastes, and excess ions to leave body through urination…
The kidneys function to regulate the volume, composition, and pH of body fluids and remove metabolic wastes from the blood in the process.…
Kidneys – retroperitoneal in position in the superior lumbar region; right kidney sits lower than left…
Homeostasis is the control of internal conditions, be it temperature, specific blood conditions or other variables within living organisms, the purpose of homeostasis is to provide a consistent internal environment for set processes to occur. The endocrine system is made up of glands that produce hormones and release them into the blood, they cause certain reactions to occur in specific tissues. The endocrine system affects a large number of the body’s functions, including, metabolism, sexual function, reproduction, moods, and development. ( The urinary system is the main excretory system and consists of 2 kidneys, 2 ureters, the bladder and the urethra. The system plays a vital part in homeostasis of water and electroltes in…
Student instructions: Follow the step-by-step instructions for this exercise found in your lab manual and record your answers in the spaces below. Submit this completed document by the assignment due date found in the Syllabus.…
The job of a kidney is to filter the blood and get rid of waste products; it also balances levels of electrolyte in the body, it controlling blood pressure, and stimulates the production of red blood cells. Your kidneys filter wastes and excess fluids from your blood, which then exit your body in your urine. When the kidney fails, these things are not done efficiently and so therefore can cause serious harm to your body. The signs and symptoms of kidney failure develop slowly over time if the kidneys function continues to progress inadequately.…
1 RENAL FAILURE Prof. Stroehlein 2 OBJECTIVES Identify patients with Actual /Potential Acute or Chronic Renal Failure and respond with appropriate care Describe alterations in body functions related to Renal self care deficits. Discuss and interpret diagnostic tests related to Renal self care deficits. Discuss social, economical, cultural factors that impact an individuals self care. Use effective teaching and therapeutic communication skills with parents ,patients families and significant others 3 ANATOMY 4 Kidney System Functions 1.…
Excretory system: the function of excretory system it to remove fluid or eliminate waste in our body through urine. The main wastes that products have to be removed are water, salt, and carbon dioxide which makes our body remains balance.…
One aspect of the urinary system is to get rid of waste products as a result of cellular metabolism. Hence it is referred as the excretory system according to Self (2006). The urinary elimination depends on effective functioning of kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra (Kozier et al. 2008).Urine is produced by…