
The Impact of the French and Indian War on Colonial America

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The Impact of the French and Indian War on Colonial America
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Chris Nowitzky
Professor Noyalas
November 23,2011
U.S. History 121

The Impact of the French and Indian War on Colonial America

The French and Indian war was fought between Great Britain and France from 1754 to 1763. Also known as the Seven Year’s War, this confrontation eventually erupted into an all out worldwide conflict. Its effects were not only immediate but long term. Although the colonies were not directly tied to the war, it greatly impacted them as well as modern America.
The war was primarily fought along the colonies separating New France, from Virginia to Nova Scotia. France controlled the early part of the war, rounding up British forces. It wasn’t until 1757 that Britain truly threw all its resources into the war. Britain ultimately won the war, but paid a hefty price. After the British victory in the French and Indian War, the political, economic and ideological relations between Britain and its American Colonies were greatly altered. This created high tensions throughout colonial America and would eventually lead to the American Revolution. The French and Indian War won by the British had a great economic impact on the colonies. The war changed economical relations between Britain and its colonies for some time and became the largest reason for the outbreak of the American
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Revolution. This was due to the fact that Britain acquired massive debts from the war and needed to pay them off. They decided the best way to get the money back would be to tax the colonies. The Stamp Act for instance, taxed printed goods such as papers, stamps and newspapers. The Sugar Act was also directly imposed on the colonies in 1764 and taxed such items as molasses, which was used to make alcohol at that time. These taxes were directed by the British government to help pay for expenses acquired during the war. These new, arbitrary taxes severely angered the colonist. The British were determined to collect these new taxes. It was

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