
The Four Noble Truths: The Spread Of Buddhism

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The Four Noble Truths: The Spread Of Buddhism
Buddhism emerged from Hinduism, which comes from India. There was dissatisfaction among the Vaishya caste, who spoke out against the inequality of the Hindu caste system and the corruption and power that the Brahmin caste held. Buddhism's roots began in northeastern India and spread to the Northwest when it received support from the Mauryan emperor Asoka, who sent monks to spread the Buddha's teachings. Eventually, the religion spread to Central Asia and China between the first and third centuries A.D.
The Buddha uses many similar terms that come from Hinduism, but their meanings can differ in Buddhism. The concept of karma in Buddhism and Hinduism refers to the effects that come from a person's actions, thoughts, and speech. The cycle
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They laid out the blueprint for subsequent Buddhist teachings. The Buddha sought to share his insight of the Four Noble Truths to help people reach the goal of attaining Nirvana by practicing the Noble Eightfold Path.
The first truth refers to the existence of dukkha, or suffering, in life. It indicates that anything, whether it is upsetting or joyous, is temporary and will eventually come to an end. The second truth is of the cause of suffering, or samudaya. It emerges from a craving and clinging to pleasures. It also refers to our insatiable thirst for happiness and success which never seems to come. This thirst comes from an ignorance of self and an attachment to material things.
The third truth, nirhodha, is the truth of the end of suffering. By practicing mindfulness, our craving and clinging will cease. This comes from an understanding that there is an ever-changing nature to things. The Fourth Noble Truth, magga, is the truth of the path that frees us from suffering and is the foundation for what is known as the Noble Eightfold Path. The Buddha teaches that the solution that will put craving to an end is to follow this path, which is a path of ethical conduct, concentration, and
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For example, a student trying to study for an exam may feel irritated by a loud party that his neighbors are having. His frustration with the raucous party and its noise is the first of the Four Noble Truths. His wish for the noise to cease so he could study is the Second Noble Truth or the cause of dukkha. However, once the student accepts that the noise is going to be a part of his experience while studying, he reaches the Third Noble Truth and the suffering will come to an end. By practicing mindfulness of his own mind, the student is practicing magga, which is the Fourth Noble Truth and also the Noble Eightfold

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