It is said by many historians that there are …show more content…
It requires the creation of widespread and operative resistance networks takes time and as Marrus noted: “Almost invariably, Jews lacked time, which is one reason why so much of their resistance activity never extended beyond the symbolic or the polemic” (1995). Resistance that involves military operations and could be started by an individual or a group of people, including those operating underground, is called offensive resistance. It is said that those who took to offensive resistance also organized protests and wrote literature that doesn’t support Nazi rule while also taking others to safety secretly. Another form of resistance is called enchained which is brought about by people who had very little hope of surviving their horrible living conditions. A very obvious example is that of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. They were fighting for honor and preservation of the Jewish culture and population. However one chooses to define resistance, it is clear that Jews did resist Nazi rule as best as they could under the