
Summary: Should The United States Government Renew The DACA

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Summary: Should The United States Government Renew The DACA
Should the United States government Renew the DACA?
Every year it estimated around over 300,000 or 90 percent of immigrants are deported. Regardless of the ethicality of the people, majority of the immigrants are deported, some for overstaying by only a day, others due to a new policy established by a higher power, and sometimes for crimes. Those who come to the United States usually come on visa or in recent years have come on Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. America should not judge all immigrants in the United States, no matter the race or origin because majority of immigrants in this country came legally. Most people assume all immigrants in America came illegally and are only of one race coming. Immigrants should have the chance to prove all these things themselves, but with the new Trump administration’s thoughts on not renewing the DACA that chance is lost. The DACA should be renewed because immigrants not only help the American economy, but to show the world they are not their country’s mistakes
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In truth with the immigrants coming they will open more job opportunities for everyone. The immigrants could open more businesses, allow for expansion in certain businesses to get more jobs. Another myth the anti immigrant groups will try to sell people is immigrants drain America’s social services. The Urban Institute recently took data which showed immigrants pay more of their taxes than they take out of any of the social services. This is due to many reasons like fear of getting any infractions for deportation or because if they do not pay taxes they could have their paychecks withheld. Overall result have shown immigrants pay more taxes than they can take from

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